Search results

  1. TheMusicBox

    sound Where to find free music?

    Hi there! Here's a link to my soundcloud where you can find a few samples of my work. There's plenty of different styles so see what suits you. I hope you like what you hear! If you like a track, or if you'd like me to compose/adapt something new for your next project, please email or PM me...
  2. TheMusicBox

    Final Battle Soundtrack

    Check out my latest soundtrack score! Imagine a soldier's last trudge into battle and their final triumph as you listen to "Victory": I hope you enjoy it! If you're interested in using the above score or...
  3. TheMusicBox

    "The Quest for Luke" live action Adventure Game, no green screen

    Beautiful music and thought provoking video. Fantastic! I'm looking to do some more work on film music so if you ever want to collaborate or something then just let me know. :)
  4. TheMusicBox

    [May 7] What are you working on this week?

    Trying to write some music to go with a Chinese 'Dragon Dance' scene. It's percussive stuff!
  5. TheMusicBox

    Music Here! Perhaps we can help each other?

    Hello there! :hi: I am looking to increase my portfolio of experience as a film music composer and I reckon that perhaps we could help each other. I was wondering if there would be an opening for me to score music for you tailored to specific projects, with the aim of creating a further impact...
  6. TheMusicBox

    Musician/vocalist wanted for no/low short film.

    Maybe I can help? Hi there! I am a musician and singer. I have experience writing music to lyrics and would be very interested to help out with your project. I'd be happy to write in whatever style you wanted and would be very grateful for the opportunity. Hopefully we can help each other...