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  1. R

    How to make music videos like this…

    Which editing software is not important. The software didn't do it, the editor did. It's all about time, patience, creativity, and experience.
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    editing Focal Length and Editing

    In this case you would want to use the same wide angle lens for both closeups. I think that a series of closeups were used for a gunfight in "Once Upon A Time In the West" if I remember correctly.
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    editing Focal Length and Editing

    A wide angle lens close to the actor's face will show the background in sharp focus. A closeup of a face with a telephoto lens will have the background out-of-focus.
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    cast Finding Child Actor

    Contact a local Talent Agency and tell them about your project. Chances are that they only have kids who are "models" (used for print ads), but you might get lucky and find a kid who has been through acting classes and has actual film experience, OR has training but has not yet landed a film...
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    diy Failed Projects

    My first feature film, THE VERNONIA INCIDENT, was shot on 16mm film. I purchased a used camera from a "trusted source" which had been used by ABC News for several years. Since I was assured that the camera was in good shape, I didn't test the camera...big mistake. The camera had two big problems...
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    directing Has anyone directed a music video?

    I hope that others will take the time to watch your music video. The visuals are terrific!
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    movies Movies you liked as a child, but not as an adult.

    As we get older our taste in films changes in the same way that our "favorite food" changes. We get a little older and wiser. We know more about good and evil...about relationships...about life in general...about the world. And about ourselves. All of that doesn't even take into account...
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    Film festival question: Online vs virtual.

    We are festival directors of a small regional Indie Film Festival, and our advertised festival date is soon approaching. We have just been informed that our venue has been permanently closed due to covid. We can either find a new venue, wait for a vaccine, and reschedule for 2021, or we can hold...
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    Has this happened to you?

    I worked in television full time for over 30 years as a cameraman and editor. I started out shooting news, sports and documentaries. Eventually I worked my way into shooting entertainment product such as game shows, soap operas, music videos, commercials, conventions, and multi-camera shoots...
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    Subtitles in UK Films

    In the U.S. we put captions on our films because it is required by law. In the U.K. it is not.
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    sound Tiny Home Acoustics

    As you look for cabinets, tables, etc., keep their weight in mind. A television station that I worked for built a live truck in a van similar to the one that you want to use. They built all of the cabinets and closets out of heavy plywood to the point where the engine and transmission couldn't...
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    directing Making a Commercial

    You also need to know where he intends to go with this commercial. Is it for TV...or facebook...or for youtube. A 3 minute "commercial" (infomercial) for social media will look different than a 30 second commercial for TV...
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    lighting What is this lighting?

    Looks like a Leko light with a cookie/purple gel/diffusion. (Or instead of diffusion, setting the light at an extreme angle so that not all points are in focus at the same time.)
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    vfx Filming a hanging scene

    A wire rigging is the way to go, but I suggest that you leave it to professional stunt people. Working with wires can be extremely dangerous if not done properly. Full body weight on a bare wire can cut to the bone. And there is also the problem of where to anchor the harness without the...
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    Here for advice on lens flare

    I'd leave it the way it is. The viewers eye will be on the climber....
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    music Favorite Active Film Composers?

    Randy Newman (his imdb) Many different styles.
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    distribution Amazon Prime royalty rate now down to just 1 cent per hour!

    To earn ad revenue on youtube they require so many thousand subscribers, and so many views. We didn't have enough of either.
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    link Escapade

    With my own projects I have come to accept the fact that they rarely come out like I originally intended, but my audience doesn't know it usually works despite itself. Good job on your film.
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    link Escapade

    Wow, what an enormous amount of work...lots of shots, lots of editing. You produced a very interesting video with very little to work with. The pacing and length of your shots was just right, and your use of transitional effects was great. Congratulations. It;s a long song but you somehow...
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    link Coming Summer 2020

    Looks good, crossed the stage line. Both characters are looking the same direction. oops