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  • Hi, WHY are you paying a writer 15k? If you are doing a true indie film, minus unions on a no-budget, the standard rate is 5k. I've done it for that rate twice and believe me, others will because they're HUNGRY to be produced.

    Heck, I am doing a job right now for just 4k and am thrilled to do it. My polished draft gets turned in 2 weeks from today and it was a great experience. You learn a lot writing under pressure.

    Spend 5 to 8k doing shorts. Don't spend more than 5k on the script and when it's polished, shoot a TRAILER to raise money.

    My short film cost me 15 grand. 5 for shooting, 5 for post and 5 for my 35mm blowup and that was back in 2001/2002. I learned so much from shooting my short film. It was the ultimate film school.

    If you want to talk seriously about your project, PM me. I can offer advice and maybe if we click, we can go from there. I've been writing for over a decade now and can provide references.
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