Recent content by All-Star Productions

  1. All-Star Productions

    My Newest Screenplay

    Grrr! I thought I had it right but after a quick Google I see all of the formatting errors I messed up. Thank you very much for pointing them out.
  2. All-Star Productions

    My Newest Screenplay

    Hey everyone! I wrote a screenplay for a project I plan on submitting to festivals. If it's not a big hassle, could I get some notes? Or your thoughts on it? Premise: "The Influencer" is a comedy about a wannabe...
  3. All-Star Productions

    No more youtube revenue for us

    Anyone who was part of the partner program and couldn't hit those numbers wasn't making a lot of money anyway. If you're that small and rely on the money so heavily than I'd recommend a hobby/career change.
  4. All-Star Productions

    I need a script doctor STAT

    I could give it a look for free.
  5. All-Star Productions

    [Dec 11] What are you working on this week?

    Some gentlemen who flip houses for a living have a pilot of HGTV filming early next year, and they comissioned me for some filming to post on social media. I'm excited!
  6. All-Star Productions

    Seeking advice on starting a production company

    Well I'm no expert, but I'll get the ball rolling. It seems the new standard is 4K, so you'd probably want to make sure your cameras record in 4K. As far as the scale of all of this, you might want to start even smaller than you have in mind. Any idiot college kid with a camera can compete...
  7. All-Star Productions

    What did you think of the Avengers Trailer?

    Let me start by saying I'm a big Marvel fan and I saw the first Avengers a few times in theaters. The second Avengers wasn't great. The new one had me super excited, but the trailer is concerning to me. It looks like it's going to be overstuffed and a lot to take in, I wouldn't be shocked if...
  8. All-Star Productions

    The DC Cinematic Universe

    Marvel director/DC director, campy/dark, funny/serious, doesn't matter. DC has largely not been making good films.
  9. All-Star Productions

    The DC Cinematic Universe I would say this article proves my point. The Avengers universe was built up. If nothing else, you could tell work was put into the universe. DC cut corners.
  10. All-Star Productions

    The DC Cinematic Universe

    I like to consider the recent "universe" movement as largely a post-2008 thing. There were franchises and shared universes before, but when talking about the DCEU, it's obvious they didn't get the idea from Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man. Marvel starts doing a shared universe in 2008, and...
  11. All-Star Productions

    The DC Cinematic Universe

    I promise, I don't mean this to be a troll. I like most Marvel films, and I love a large number of the DC movies pre-Man of Steel. It's just interesting to watch all of these studios struggle to copy the Marvel Cinematic Universe. DCEU, Universal Monster universe, Legendary MonsterVerse...
  12. All-Star Productions

    The DC Cinematic Universe

    Let's all have a moment of silence for the DC Cinematic universe, the people in charge of it clearly have no idea what they're doing. Zack Snyder is not a good director; his stories are far too dark and depressing, and don't really make sense most of the time. The characters don't act like...
  13. All-Star Productions

    cinematography Mini DV- Still Relevant?

    No, I'm just stupid.
  14. All-Star Productions

    cinematography Mini DV- Still Relevant?

    I am thinking of buying a Sony HVR-Z7u, which records on Mini-DV. My question is- is Mini DV a platform that is still used professionally? Right now I use a DSLR (Canon T3i) but I've been aching to get a camcorder instead of a DSLR for film. Any thoughts on that? Is this silly of me to get an...
  15. All-Star Productions

    Newbie Question

    You could make an entire movie that's set in only one room. The "gangster" aspect can come from costumes, props, set design, and dialogue. Costumes and props can come from antique/thrift stores. Set design could be a house built before 1930 with all modern furniture taken out. You can make...