Cracker Funk
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  • Good to see you back. It's okay I was gone too lol.
    Cracker Funk
    Cracker Funk
    Thanks! I disappeared again, but now I’m back again. I love the redesign of the site.
    Hello Cracker Funk!,
    I finally finished my 8 minute Horror / Thriller short film THE BOX. It really means a lot to me. and since you've reviewed my first short films some years ago, i am really interested to know your opinion about this one, i would really appreciate it if you watch it and tell me what you think! thank you for your time and everything else!
    Here is the thread where i posted the video
    If you're going to make a set of shorts, at least tie them together so you can put a feature-length anthology out when all's said & done. It's pretty much the only way to monetise short films, so if you're headed down the short film road plan in advance on how to maximise the return.
    Hmm, that's quite a quandary. I reckon it could be awesome as a low budget flick, but also awesome if you had more money to put into it. So I'm no help. :p

    I totally watched Anti-Hero again the other day, that's what made me think of Lost in Time. How did it end up going in the festivals?

    I'm doing well, life's been a bit hectic lately, but I'm getting better :) How have you been?
    You mean the one by Tim Burton? I've considered seeing it, but I've often heard that it's not quite as good as the original, and haven't looked at it yet.
    Thanks for accepting my friend request, Cracker Funk. :D BTW, interesting name and avatar.
    Probably the same method as Mr. Wheat. Avid DNxHD download (goes right into your presets under Quicktime). The screening quality (the lowest) is about 800MB for 3 minutes or 267 MB/min. On par with MP4.
    Full 1920X1080.
    Were you able to get your QT HD files out of CS5.5 yet? I figured out how to do it and it's not that hard. Let me know if you need a heads up.
    Hey Crackerfuck, you've looked at my stuff before and it was always good in depth reviews. Can you take a look at my newest movie, Aragon Alley? It's in the narrative section of the screening review and I would really like to get some feedback. Thanks!

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