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  1. Cracker Funk

    series What series are you watching?

    sfoster, you gave up after 9 episodes? Lol, you have way more patience than me, apparently. I give up by the end of an episode if I'm not digging it. I really enjoyed the first two episodes of "WandaVision". I'm kinda-sorta rewatching "Arrested Development" and sooner or later I'll get around...
  2. Cracker Funk

    top-list The Scariest Movies of 2020, from ‘The Assistant’ to ‘I’m Thinking of Ending Things’

    Ohhhhhhhhh, hahahaha. I'm glad you posted this. I've been seeing good things about "La Llorona" ending up on lots of people's best-of-horror lists, and I kept thinking to myself, "really? I saw that movie and it was crap". Lol, wrong movie. Now I'll have to watch the good one.
  3. Cracker Funk

    series Anyone else crazy about Baby Yoda?

    I'm watching it for the second time now. The relationship between Mando and Baby Yoda is so adorable. Also, Picard is amazing!
  4. Cracker Funk

    news Neil deGrasse Tyson Tried to Call Out an Error in Denis Villeneuve’s ‘Arrival’ and Failed

    Generally speaking, I like NdGT. But of course nobody can be an expert on all things. He does a good job of making science fun.
  5. Cracker Funk

    software My ez editing tip for you

    Yeah but my point is that I'm the wrong person for anyone to try to tell how to edit. More buttons doesn't make editing easier.
  6. Cracker Funk

    archived-videos DETOURS now available on Tubi

    Bump. I totally could've stolen that Arri Alexa, but I was a good boy. The BTS videos were shot on a Canon T2i. :)
  7. Cracker Funk

    news Neil deGrasse Tyson Tried to Call Out an Error in Denis Villeneuve’s ‘Arrival’ and Failed

    I absolutely adore "Arrival". Background info - I have a degree in anthropology and I specialized in linguistics. The hero in "Arrival" is a linguist, and in my opinion, they NAILED IT! They got the science right.
  8. Cracker Funk

    software My ez editing tip for you

    My mouse has seven buttons. I use exactly one of them. And I happen to be really good at editing.
  9. Cracker Funk

    link Is self-promo for photography okay?

    Thanks, sfoster. I also now have a website. :D
  10. Cracker Funk

    link Is self-promo for photography okay?

    I don't know if this is allowed here. My apologies if I'm not supposed to post this. I'm working on building a photography business. I'll have a website soon enough, but for now it's my insta -
  11. Cracker Funk

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    I LOVE "Peanut Butter Falcon". I haven't seen "Honey Boy"; probably won't now, based on your review. "Peanut Butter Falcon" made me laugh and cry and all the best ways.
  12. Cracker Funk

    news Rose McGowan Slams Portman’s Oscars Protest Dress: ‘She’s Worked With Two Women Directors’

    Meh. I don't fault Ms. Portman for going where the paycheck is. Hollywood has a tendency to chew up and spit out young actresses because they're constantly looking for a fresh young face. I hate to say it but McGowan is one of the women this happened to. It's nice to see a talented female actxr...
  13. Cracker Funk

    story Using Paul Schrader's metaphor method for a story

    NA meetings aren't led by counselors. The only people who attend NA meetings are recovering addicts. There is no group leader or counselor. Your story still works, but for sake of realism, I'd make it a generic support group for recovering addicts, one that is led by a licensed counselor...
  14. Cracker Funk

    news It Took Roger Deakins Decades to Win an Academy Award, Now He’s Won Two Oscars Two Years Apart

    Agreed. I love "Life of Pi" and yes, it's gorgeous. But of course the argument could be made that it doesn't really have much actual cinematography, as opposed to beautiful CGI.
  15. Cracker Funk

    news Is ‘Parasite’ the Most Important Best Picture Winner Ever? Film Critics, Hollywood React

    I don't think I'd use the term "important", cuz really, what the heck does that mean? The historical significance, however, cannot be denied. First of all, I like the fact that the Academy changed the name of the first award "Parasite" won from "Best Foreign Language Film" to "Best...
  16. Cracker Funk


    Friends and family - that's who most first-time filmmakers tap for cast.
  17. Cracker Funk

    festivals Film Festivals

    IMO, the best festivals to submit your film to are the festivals that you would actually be able to attend, should you get in.
  18. Cracker Funk

    Anybody else stoked about MCU phase 4?

    Thank goodness they worked out a deal! Especially with the cliffhanger at the end of "Far From Home", it would've been a crying shame for Sony and Marvel to make the split right now. I read that apparently it was Tom Holland himself who made the reunion happen. Good job, Spidey! :D