DVD Review Sites

Hey Guys,

Aside from this one, which we will be submitting to shortly, do you guys know of any good DVD review sites that we can send our movie to? I know I can just google search it but I wanted to see if anybody has any preferences first.

We're selling DVD's left and right in person, but online sales are absolutely pitiful and I'm hoping that this will help.

Thanks, Jay
There are a lot of sites you can send them to but there is no guarantee they'll actually write a review. Are you on CustomFlix (or whatever it's call now)? If so they have a list of sites you can send copies of your film to.
CustomFlix was bought out by Amazon and no, we didn't go through them, we actually had copies of our film made and are distributing them ourselves. I found lots of sites, but yeah, you are right, no guarantees.
With the advent of blogs and blogging there's tons of DVD reviewers out there. Try google's "Blog Search" function.
In case anyone is checking this thread, this is a good time to plug http://www.indietalk.com/index.php?page=submit , indietalk.com's own DVD review service.

As for DVD review sites, I thought I remembered either Rik or Sonnyboo posting a large list of review sites for DVD's, many I had never heard of before, but I just did a search and didn't find them. Boo would know though, he's always been great at resourcing.
Yea, I think you should check with program like smorty/sponsoredreviews where you can bid for reviews in specific blogs that have good PR & readership.
That's lame! Reviews will never be taken seriously if you have to bid for them, or have to do anything other than send a DVD in for review. I've been asked to "buy banner space to speed up the review process" and "buy space on our compilation and we will review your CD" blah blah blah. Anywhere that asks for more than just your DVD... is BS.