archived-videos The Poke Show: Night of The Xombie

I've got to admit, I'm a fan of The Poke Show. It just gets better and better. :lol:

Is it funnier that I traded my Sony BDP-S300 in for a PS3 over the weekend because it turned out to be a more feature complete (with the 1.82 firmware update) Blu-ray player for the same price? And that Microsoft just announced a 1.3 billion dollar hit because of warranty extentions for the overheating XBox360? Your timing couldn't be more perfect.
was the shifting background planned? or just thrown together afterwards cause it was funny? And the airplane edits were hilarious.
was the shifting background planned? or just thrown together afterwards cause it was funny? And the airplane edits were hilarious.

Well, it kind of weird... This sketch was part of a larger "show" that we submitted to an Xbox contest... as such, we shot every Sunday over the period of a month and a half.. so the first day of shooting was most of Part 1... the 2nd day some of part 2, the third day was some of part 3, and then we had one other day for pickups.

I had just learned to do greenscreens (remember the Terrorist? The real reason I did that was to test and see how greenscreens looked in black and white), and I hadn't realized that you should TRIPOD the shot... otherwise the camera-movement (it was me new glidecam) makes the screen go all wonky.

Anyway, I began editing the first part, and figured this out, but after playing with it for a bit, I think it grew on me. It gave the video a kind of pyschadelic-meets-dirt-poor-production kind of feel, which was appropriate, considering half the full show is two guys sitting on a couch talking about video games, LOL. I asked the producer if he wanted to re-shoot the wonky shots, but everyone thought it looked kinda funny, so we kept it. I tweaked it a bit from there, but I couldn't actually get it as BAD as I wanted without looking totally stupid (ie. it lost the feel of an "office" and became an abstract room).. so to answer the question, no, it wasn't planned, but after it was done we decided not to reshoot.

And what's an airplane edit?
Airplane edit is badly overdubbed bad (teeth brushing) words.

I really like the goofy look, and I'm glad you kept it, it's like the backgrounds from "A Scanner Darkly"...except cheaper ;)
I really like the goofy look, and I'm glad you kept it, it's like the backgrounds from "A Scanner Darkly"...except cheaper ;)

See, that's what I was trying to do when we first decided to keep them that way, but it kept distorting the walls to the point where it looked REALLY bad... For future episodes, I'm going to try and make an NES style background for the couch-dialogue, which peppers the spaces inbetween the sketches in each episode.

Anyone here ever play "Max Payne"??? I played Max in another sketch we did for episode 1, which if I can't get my next gem of a sketch in the can before next week, I'll put up there too. It doesn't make any sense unless you know the game though... like... NO sense. LOL.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and on the 'airplane edits' (is that cause they dub it so they can show the flick on an airplane? Cause I call that TBSification. "This movie has been TBSified!)
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I was wondering if you actually found any homeless people?:)

Yes, but as soon as we brought them into the apartment, they became the "temporarily home-ed" (even if it's only for a minute) and they began demanding union wages, so we had to ACTUALLY had to kill them and feed them to the box.

By the way, this was the first script written by Bill that we've been able to (successfully) film, so wahoo for him!