archived-videos Unaware that I'm in a Horror Film

That was friggin awesome bro! LOL'ed 3 times, the light bulb re-loosen, crying hole, mask. :D

Actor was great.
The sound seemed a bit off at the start but then the humor made me forget about it.
What do you think makes it sound like ADR?

I listen and focus, a lot to sound in movies, and try to spot ADR in big budget movies sometimes, and I noticed
it almost immediately watching this short film,
but some give aways to look for are:
the actor is always the exact same distance from the mic, even if he is walking or moving his head
in many directions,
the tone of the voice does not match the room they are in,
and some times the acting is a little stiff, although he did a pretty good job
of voice acting/dubbing/ADR, and syncing it too,
I kept myself at different distances when dubbing. I still don't think it sounds perfect, but it's better than the production sound.
Very interesting.
mussonman, I wonder if you could post a short video clip with the original sound? It might be nice to have a comparison. If you don't mind.

anzel2002, do you think the tone of his voice does not match the room? Is there a way to fix that without re-recording?
I'm having to do some ADR too & trying to figure out some stuff.
"I made it to start getting back into the filmmaking game! Now I gotta start making stuff regularly again... no more procrastinating..."

I think it's great you took this initiative and look forward to more... I don't think this film needs to be scrutinized as such seeing as it is your foray into more work. I'm a procrastinator myself so congrats. :D
It wasn't my intention to scrutinize it in a bad way so I hope it didn't sound like that to mussonman. It's super funny.
As with all film study I'm just trying to learn, obsessively I suppose.