How's your current project going?

I have one scene to shoot to complete a project and my 'Plan A' and 'Plan B' locations have just pulled. It is literally a one hour scene. There are a few continuity bits and pieces I need to shoot but this is fine as I have those locations and it should take an hour max but locations... 'aaarghhhh' although I don't think it will be an amazing short. I think it will be competent (thanks to everyone for the feedback on my first ever short) but will have to see if it works.

In addition, I am completing a music vid. I am one-third of the way through with two more shoots to complete. It should be really straightforward with 3 hours of greenscreen and 2 hours of outdoor shooting. Truth be told, I'm not crazy about the music but am happy just to have my first 'real' music vid under my belt.

Thursday evening I am shooting an interview with an electro-pop music lady. She only has around 70,000 hits on YouTube so will see what happens with this.

April 27th I am shooting a promo for a fundraiser for a music vid. Not crazy about it but hey, can't have everything!

Other than this, I have two more shorts coming up. One is a 3 minute monologue - 'I am Chinatown' with Chinatown as a background.

The one after this is the one I am excited about. It is an 8 minute light, romantic comedy and everyone I have showed it to has laughed out loud. It will be extremely cheap, easy locations to establish, a decent sized cast, no VFX and I am nervous as h"ll about this one because this is my first, serious foray into shooting something that has genuine potential.

In addition, I have a couple of music vids and a couple of very short documentary shoots for a local politician.

As a note, I am a 'freebie' film maker although am at the point where a number of individuals have started offering me a small amount of money. I am just beginning to take expenses but this is 'organic' and is occuring naturally as a result of shooting.

After this, I will put up a website with all of this on.

So what are you all up to in your current projects? Any plans for the future?
We have two shorts fully in post, one that will have the a scene reshot and ADR done this weekend, and in sound/production design on the next one.

One of the ones in post has required an awful lot of VFX, and it's going so slowly... Some days, I'm so sick of seeing it I just can't bear to fire up HitFilm to work on it... =)

Man, I wish sometimes I was just an actor; show up, say your lines and move on! Also wouldn't have so much money going into gear. But, I guess also wouldn't have any idea what it takes and how satisfying it is to see something you've crafted on a big screen.

Seishin is still in production process, I have Recieved huge demand to extend the script of which I have outlined what I believe to be one of the best ideas that will keep people guessing and turn it into a franchise (hopefully), I am soon to set up a crowd funding campaign (again) this time though I have had an interview with a movie review company and have 2 more lined up, I have been promoting like mad on twitter gaining over 2,000 followers in 2 months I aim to have 3,000 by April 30th (my birthday yay).

I am currently editing a godly music video from a client from hell.

I am about to shoot a music video for another client who has been a dream to work with and potentially a bigger future with of which the video will be shown on voice of America.

If I had someone who knew how to cast actors I would be filming around 2 or 3 films right now but alas I do not possess that knowledge of casting hence my stumbling block.
A documentary I've been working on for the past couple o' years finally has a hard end date nailed down, so the people who asked me to do it can no longer keep making 180-degree changes to it every month. I'm never doing anything like this ever again. Never ever ever.

Right now, planning for principal for ultra-lo budget werewolf film. Just earning a few favours by working on it. Actually, I worked on their last film, too, so I'll be doing okay when I call those favours in on.

Last year & this year has been pretty much about working on other people's films. If all goes to plan (and we all know how that usually works out :rolleyes:) I'll be back onto a short queue of personal projects later this year. I hope.

Truth be told, I'm not crazy about the music but am happy just to have my first 'real' music vid under my belt.

April 27th I am shooting a promo for a fundraiser for a music vid. Not crazy about it but hey, can't have everything

No, you're wrong - you think it's the greatest music in the world, and you are extremely passionate about the fundraiser! Yup, tough to talk yourself into, but that's the life a of a mercenary. Ummm, sorry, I mean freelancer.

I have the usual dreck shorts coming into the studio, and the occasional singer/songwriter. I did a short for a fellow ITer that was a lot of fun. Another current project has a ferocious gun battle, which has been a challenge. There is also a vicious fight, which I'm having some trouble getting right to my satisfaction; I don't like the "dialog" - her vocalizations seem too wimpy, as if she's just a victim and not a good fighter herself. I've done the best that I can with alts, but there's not much that's any better.

That's about it. I had a really good day creating body falls a week or so back - nice additions to my library.
Scrambling ... er ... I mean assembling some materials to show to a DP candidate tomorrow. Hope it goes well, he's very experienced.

Otherwise, I have about 80% of my locations signed and I'm budgeting & scheduling the shoot.

Some producers I know have been giving me an ear-full on what insurance is a must, and which options involve some risk analysis on my part.

Other than that, I waffle between confidence & despair (which is my new normal). :rolleyes:
Involved with a production that currently seems like it is in shambles.

It's a 100 page script, 15 days shooting with virtually no budget and we're already over budget. I came on about 10 days ago. Only got my authority to do anything about 5 days ago. Oh, did I mention that we start shooting in 5 days and they expect me to organize everything that's missing (which seems to be most of it).

Wish me luck. The scary thing is, I think we might pull it off.

Crisis management at its best.
I'm in Pre for heaps of stuff, which is mainly talking through with people trying to organise all the variables of a few upcoming projects. Pretty annoying though as I want to be making actual stuff, but obviously pre production is important.

Oh and one project like yours Steve, which is in post which I agreed to edit back in November 2011. It's a 7-10 minute promo for something and I still have not been given all the footage...
Current project: Martial arts training DVD.

How it's going: Compressed HD edit to MPEG2 for DVD (took 15 hours). Checked DVD before sending to client and spotted brief compression artifacting in one shot. :hmm: Checked original HD footage. Pristine, nothing visible. Re-compressed the whole damn thing.

15 hours later: Checked new file. Artifacting still there. :grumpy: Deleted clip from timeline and replaced, added filters and fades, re-rendered clip. Compressed the whole thing again.

15 hours later: Checked new file. Artifacting STILL there. WTF?! :mad: Isolated clip and converted to uncompressed HD file (1 minute=12GB!). Replaced on timeline. Compressed the whole motherlovin' thing AGAIN.

UPDATE: 15 hours later, IT'S STILL F**KED UP!!!! :angry: WHY???

Someone please remind me why digital is better than film. :bang:
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-Working on new songs for the band, hopefully setting up some shows in May.
-artist for the comic book I wrote has shown me thumbnail sketches of the first 11 pages, so that's coming along, but it'll still be a while before I need to write the next couple issues
-a couple shorts in the works I've agreed to score, but I don't have the footage yet so waiting there
-new noise/techno project in the works, but not sure where that's going to go. sketches and experiments being made
-writing background and story for a weird musical project I've had on the backburner for about 10 years now. comic artist above wants to do some art for it, and I'm not sure how to effectively tell the story. Maybe some sort of animation? I'll need to get some others involved once I get the first couple tracks done. I'll post here when things are getting ready if anyone wants in!

Other than that, looking to score a couple more feature films at a moderate cost, so if anyone has anything in the works, drop me a PM!
swings and roundabouts. We had an initial burst of epicness by getting 4 teasers made but since I've had to change animators twice which has slowed everything down. Hoping to get my pitch for crowd funding and another teaser ready in 2 weeks which I'm hoping will kickstart the project back to life. Marketing plan, storyboards, scripts are all ready to go, Just hoping for some luck with animation now
Currently in pre for two projects I'll be shooting June and August, respectively. Location scouting this Sunday for one of them on the other side of town (2 hour drive come at me).
Have a meeting next week about a potential gig shooting another film this year, helping a friend of mine conduct some camera tests as well for a film he's shooting.
Focus Pulling on a music video late next week, shooting Epic. Shooting in some country town - another 2 hour drive... What is it with everyone shooting so far away from me? :P
Prepping for my mid-year trip to the US :)
All sorts of things happening this year, I have a feeling I'm going to be really busy mid-late this year again.
My first feature doc project went off the rails last year - too many cooks... finally just about extricated myself from the kitchen. Hope it sees the light of day sometime, but it's out of my hands now.

So right now it's back to competitive filmmaking. Just found out our doc challenge entry from last month isn't a finalist this year, so getting it ready to release online. Planning for a 24 hour competition in may, a 48HFP in early june, a 48 hour music video race a couple weeks after that, and another 48HFP in August. We've also got two films from competitions we did last year that needed some finishing touches, so we'll be finishing up those and releasing them in the next couple weeks.

Got a half finished script for a short I'd like to shoot later this year, and a bunch of ideas have begun coalescing recently for what I think may be my first feature - likely won't try to shoot that until early next year. So I'm trying to put in a little time writing on one or the other every day.

But in the meantime, I'm writing code. Seemingly endless code. All day code, and sometimes all night. I've just about decided this will be the last big code project I ever undertake, but it's worth it because it will probably fund my future filmmaking projects. Just need to survive the next six months or so...
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No projects of my own at the moment: all work :P
Finishing a small video speech now.
A project I shot in september finally seems to be picked up again: 1st edit has been waiting for approval for 3 months already...
Adding translations to another video is the next thing to do.

Got asked to think of 'something funny' for a bank and they like my idea.
Such a shame the budget is not so funny... making it practicly impossible to do...