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Cineform is free now

What the...?! Are we talking about the codec, that makes even 50/60p HD files editable with average hardware? That's just great!
Does the "Studio" version have any serious restrictions? I did not found anything about technical or licence restrictions.
yeah, I dont know what this means. The gopro purchase of cineform leaves me guessing. I think its time to brush up on dnkx whatever that was encoding..

Its hard to know which offering by gopro includes the neoscene 4:4:4 .. I dont see any mention of it in the free package.. ???
I just tried it out, but it the program itself does not serve my purpose.

My aim was to convert the orignial files of my Panasonic SD707. But I wasn't even able to import it, because cineform only accepts .mp4, .jpg and .mov. Changing the file ending by hand in windows made it appear in the "open file"-window, but importing was still not possible.
What he accepted were files, that I already exported from Sony Vegas as a .mp4.

Buuut I just found the codec in the Vegas render dialog. I used an .avi-template (you can use .mov, too) and was able to choose cineform and change framerate to 50p. Well, the file was very big and I did not recognise any improvement of performance, but I will play a bit with it and see what's possible.

Tested with Vegas Pro 11.0
the question open is: Does the software you can download for free include the same encoder\decoder that I paid $150 for last year? Im getting mixed message.

I do believe you can use the free stuff with any AVHCD .h264 cam (read that all DSLR's and most camcorders) but I dont believe its the same lossless codec that gives the 4:2:2 color space etc as neoscene. Cineform had great support, so Ill drop an email and find out whats what..
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I'm not positive, but from what I've read, and looking at the big file sizes I'm rendering, seems to be the same codec.
Btw, I don't use their software, once you download it and reboot, the codec should appear in whatever NLE you're using.
no, I dont believe the FREE software package will give you the same features as neoscene. Neoscne is still being sold, and you can upgrade from neoscene to the GOPRO STUDIO PRO for a discount, check out the "buy" link on the cineform page.

The gopro studion pro software offers a lot of the features that were found in the advanced cineform products, the realtime CC, active meta data, LUTS etc. Might be worth upgrading..
Hey, did we ever figure out if it's the same codec? Looking through their website, so far as I can tell, it seems to me like the free version gets you the same codec, just without some features offered in the paid products. Anyone have more solid info than that?

FWIW -- I've used the free product, and love it! I'm just not sure if it's the same codec.