Im such a NOOB!!!

OK, you may hear me spouting something that "looks" like wisdom, but trust me.. it aint!
I am a 100% NOOB! Iv barely begun my exploration in this art form. For example, I think that 60i is better than 24p! WHAT A LOSER! :) If I actually KNEW what I was talking about, eh it might make sense, but now...

Im in the middle of reading the DVD Rebels Guide which let me know that I was as clueless as a newborn babe!

Special thanks to those NOT NOOB's that must DAILY chew their collective lips, and bite their collective tongues as "we," the unenlightened spout what must sound like a child mimicking the conversation of his parents as they discuss the reproductive habits of South American chinchillas!

(dont know why I posted this.. but deal with it):cool:

You have said what I was thinking very eloquently. Thank you for apologizing for me and those newbies like me that feel too insignificant to ask what must sound like 1st day bs to others. I could not have said it better.
Actually, from a technical standpoint, 60i is better than 24p, as it contains more than twice as much motion picture information. However, it has a stigma attached to it from decades of game shows, soap operas and cheezy sitcoms that implies "cheap TV", versus the "film look" we associate with 35mm features. Maybe someday that stigma will be overcome, but probably not for a while yet. HD may be the key.
OK, you may hear me spouting something that "looks" like wisdom, but trust me.. it aint!
I am a 100% NOOB! Iv barely begun my exploration in this art form. For example, I think that 60i is better than 24p! WHAT A LOSER! :) If I actually KNEW what I was talking about, eh it might make sense, but now...

Im in the middle of reading the DVD Rebels Guide which let me know that I was as clueless as a newborn babe!

Special thanks to those NOT NOOB's that must DAILY chew their collective lips, and bite their collective tongues as "we," the unenlightened spout what must sound like a child mimicking the conversation of his parents as they discuss the reproductive habits of South American chinchillas!

(dont know why I posted this.. but deal with it):cool:

Hey Wheat,

I like 24fps but actually shoot in 60i/p so that i can do slow-mo's if necessary in post production by dropping it in a 24fps timeline in my editing system, so when i render it is 24fps. make sense? Oh and i'm a total noob! still learning the ropes and what a better place than to be here with a bunch of colleagues that we can all learn a little bit about. :)

I think Wheatgrinder(what a cool name btw) sums it up nicely.

What I've see on here is the "non-noobs"must really remember what it was like to be one-or maybe they're into S and M-I'm not entirely positive :D(take that for what you will). Either way they're very helpful and I must also give a big thank you to all those who must push their patience to the limit when answering our questions.

I definitely fit into the NOOB category-you can't beat this: my first short wasn't white balanced at all, didn't even think about it, just shot the scenes and put them together(fortunately I had a mostly white house to film in, but the colour is still a little off-at least it makes for a neat atmospheric affect!)

I think I got you beat as far as Noobiness Wheatgrinder ;)
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Ha ha, you forgot to white balance. whata noob! ;)

Wheatgrinder is one of those happy accidents that you claim later was "inspiration"

Why wheatgrinder? Because at the time I was just starting out with home recording, I signed up for some free audio magazines, but I had to have a "business name" .. earlier in the day I had repaired my mother-in-laws home"wheat grinder" and thus is the birth of "WheatGrinder Studios!"

It sorta fit for my heavy metal\semi-organic music I was into at the time.. Wheat=sunny fields of half naked hippy girls gathering sheves, Grinder=Metal Teeth Chewing bones.. which is something I just made up.. :)
That's certainly more interesting than my name origin!

"Tinalera" is a named I used way back when I was into a Dungeons and Dragons-she was a Drow Elf. I've used the name ever since, it seems to be a name that's never taken on the internet for some strange reason...;) Just something I made up.
Why wheatgrinder? Because at the time I was just starting out with home recording, I signed up for some free audio magazines, but I had to have a "business name" .. earlier in the day I had repaired my mother-in-laws home"wheat grinder" and thus is the birth of "WheatGrinder Studios!"

It sorta fit for my heavy metal\semi-organic music I was into at the time.. Wheat=sunny fields of half naked hippy girls gathering sheves, Grinder=Metal Teeth Chewing bones.. which is something I just made up.. :)

And this whole time I've been picturing you owning a flour mill... :P
That's certainly more interesting than my name origin!

"Tinalera" is a named I used way back when I was into a Dungeons and Dragons-she was a Drow Elf. I've used the name ever since, it seems to be a name that's never taken on the internet for some strange reason...;) Just something I made up.

Never played D&D but secretly my inner nerd wishes I had done at some point...

As for the name, Dreadylocks is the same way, it's never taken. Which is great because Sammi or SammiGirl usually is, and those are usually my preference :)

btw, have you posted any of your films up here? I don't remember seeing any and I'd love to :yes: