Zoom h4N - onboard mic problem - white noise

Hey guys, does anyone on here have zoom h4N and faced the same problem with the onboard mic as me?

I got the zoom for almost 4 years now usually use external mic so don't really know how long I got this issue but, just today I noticed that one of the onboard mix creates white noise, is there any solution for this? :huh::(
All mics produce white (or nearly white) noise, it's just a question of how much. I take it one mic is producing far more than the other? There are several potential reasons for this; one for example, is that the gain on that mic is higher, thereby amplifying the white (ish) noise it normally produces. It's also very possibly a fault (either with the mic itself or it's pre-amp). At the end of the day, the h4N is a relatively cheap piece of consumer electronics and 4 years is a pretty decent run.
