zombie flicks

honestly, i don't know whether i'll ever make one. but ... if anyone makes a living-dead type flick, which rules? the evolving story from Romero? or will you allow the evolution of Jean Rollin and Hong Kong to influence the flick?
I don't have any plans to make one, myself. If I did, though, I would probably want to re-think the whole genere. Romero set his rules and make great movies, but I think there is room for other interpretations, and Romero hasn't even been all that consistent with his own movies. Others, like Lucio Fulci, have also managed to take the basic concept and make it different. I'd say...toss the rules and see what you get!
i think every filmmaker has a zombie (or at least some kind of cliche horror) film in them, and personally i know i'm going to end up doing one sooner or later.

there are so many different things you can do with zombies that the possibilities are endless - where do the zombies come from, how and why are they created, how can they be they, are they fast or slow, intelligent or dumb, organised or independent, and then you can wrap whatever storyline you wish around them and throw in any characters. i think it's an interesting genre that should be studied more. there are people that would argue that 28 Days Later is not a zombie film because they are not zombies, they're called 'infected', but genre-wise it's a zombie film. in fact i would argue that Hitchcock's The Birds is, genre-wise, almost a zombie film - just watch it and imagine a zombie instead of every bird and you'll see what i mean, it's survival horror just the same and makes similar social connotations.

i've got (what i think are) some very good ideas for my zombie film, which i hope to make within the next year or so, depending on budget, time and finding a cast and crew. in fact i've had enough ideas for about 3 zombie films so i may have trouble deciding which to use.
Time to plug the good ol' Zombie Infection Simulation again :cool:


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I think there sould be at least one zombie love story? If they're living dead, can you still get a PG-13 rating since the sex isn't between real people? ;)
Boz Uriel said:
I think there sould be at least one zombie love story? If they're living dead, can you still get a PG-13 rating since the sex isn't between real people? ;)

I dunno. There will certainly be some stiff's present :D