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Your participation requested for an academic survey

Your participation requested for an academic survey (Chance to win a free iPod)

Dear forum users,

We are doing an academic research project on online service quality. We would be grateful if you could spare 3-5 minutes and complete our online questionnaire. The link for the questionnaire is provided below.


Thank you for your help and time.

P.S. indietalk gave me permission to post this message.
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We're doing a follow-up survey to finish this doctoral research. It has been decided by the faculty administration that one of the repsondents will win a Free 6GB iPod Mini (including free shipping) for her/his participation - this is open to everyone worldwide.

There are no open-ended questions in this questionnaire so it can be completed by only clicks.

There are two questionnaires: one about Hotmail, the other about Yahoo! Mail. These two websites were chosen because they are popular sites but this research is purely academic so data or results will not be shared with Microsoft Corporation or Yahoo! Inc.

Please enter your email only if you want to take part in the free iPod draw. Collected emails will not be used for any other purpose. When data collection finishes, the winner will be determined and contacted by email.

Link to Hotmail quesionnaire:

Link to Yahoo! Mail questionnaire:

Please visit this link for more information about the research:

You can use the email on questionnaire pages if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time and participation.
For those who want to participate later: if you use both Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail, please complete the questionnaire for Yahoo. I received far less responses for Yahoo. Thanks.