Your Oscar pics

Why, I oughta....

...get zingers like that in first.
And the award for best emoticon usage goes to...
Zensteve unfortunately couldn't come, so in his place :cool: will be accepting the award.
That link wasn't the best for showing the nominations.. perhaps it does mention all of them, but it's WAY too much to read... ;)

Try this one:

Here's my partial list of picks:

Are we picking who SHOULD win or who will win? Here's who I think will win:
(partial list, have to think about the rest more)

Actor (Leading): probably either Dicaprio or Will Smith
Actor (Supporting): I've heard buzz about Eddie Murphy
Animated Feature: Cars will likely win, even though Monster House was a much more enjoyable film.
Director: Letters from Iwo Jima -- History shows that Clint Eastwood can clean house in this category
Music (Song): Holding 3 of the 5 slots, it will be shocking if Dreamgirls doesn't take it
Short Film (Animated): Little Match Girl -- I haven't seen it, but I heard about it, and that's got to count for something
Visual Effects: Pirates, no question.

I wish the Prestige would have gotten more nominations, writing at least... it was one of the most enjoyable films to come out of the system in a while -- Original Fiction anyway.

That's all I've got. I try not to think about picking who will or should win anymore, typically I am disappointed by the outcome.