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YoungCuts Film Festival – in Toronto on August 26th


The YoungCuts Film Festival is an event showcasing the best independent films by undiscovered talents.

On Saturday, August 26th, there will be four screening blocks featuring 23 of the top 50 short films, including award winners.

Where: THE BLOOR CINEMA (Bathurst & Bloor)

Showtimes: Noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm

Tickets are $8

For a film schedule, program and more info, see www.youngcuts.com
YoungCuts is held in Montreal this year. Come to the Special Encore Screenings in Toronto and see the best films and meet the filmmakers - one day only!

Your stories. Your way.


Anyone who can make it- this year has some great entries- check out the program on the festival site. Also, if you're in Montreal, you can catch the main festival from August 17-20.

I would really appreciate it if anyone wants to help spread the word, please repost the main message on any filmmaking/festival/arts communities you also frequent. Mucho appreciato. :yes:


Just a reminder for all coming- Youngcuts is THIS SATURDAY. For the Montreal screenings, they had Tom Sizemore, among others show up for a celebrity panel!
Youngcuts is tomorrow!!

I've been doing poster-runs around Toronto, and if anyone's interested in some postering tips and tricks, check this out.

Also, I haven't really publicized this too much, but you can follow my adventures on the Superblog.

Tell me what you think. Feedback is always eaten.