sound Y.A.F.I. has just acquired a Sony ECM672 shotgun and a Canon MA100

We have officially upgraded our audio production dep't! Production values GO!

Anyone have any experience with this mic and/or XLR adaptor. I'm excited to play with this new equipment (and balanced audio workflow ;) ). I'm hoping this should correct most of the audio problems we are currently experiencing.
OOH, nice!!

As anyone can attest, you can have the finest audio equipment and still have a lousy sounding production. I learned this the hard way, all my films sound horrible.

I'll be upgrading to Soundtrack Pro shortly to get that professional quality soundtrack that I've always wanted. What are you using for sound mixing and editing, Knightly?
Soundtrack pro...Here's "Scare Tactics" before I scrubbed it. Mind the 1k beep at the beginning, we used it as a marker at the beginning for the composer to time his audio. The scrubbing process on this started with:

-Powerline buzz filter
-"Clicks and Pops" filter
-Sample noise print from between the buzz peaks
-noise reduction filter using that noise print...tweak it a bit
-repeat NR for the peaks, then valleys of the buzz...tweak it a bit
-fades in and out of the audible vocals (between as well)

-When finished with all that for the whole piece (each shot...twitch twitch), I balanced the audio on the timeline by adjusting the volumes to just touch yellow on the peaks of the meter.
-Add the music
-Listen through and tweak to fit the overall soundscape
-overall EQ for all dialog to salvage what I could of the voices and try to balance them a bit

-I had one part of the audio that I didn't get in closeup, so I had to use the audio from the opposing shot, you'll notice that line missing "Presence" as the mic is about 4 feet from the subject and off-axis from the verydirectional mic.

Here's the reference correction at all: