Writer seeking accomplice

Hey all,

I'm moving to LA in about a month (Jan), and I'm looking for a motivated partner to collaborate with when I get there. I have a few ideas for very low-budget shorts / microshorts floating around my mind, and I hope to have the screenplays all written out soon. I figure if I don't get them made, the stories will never be told.

Preferrably, I'd like to team up with someone just like me (little to no experience, but enthusiastic and willing to learn), and together we cut our teeth on a few shorts, get them on the festival circuit, and go from there. I enjoy writing first and foremost, so if you're mainly interested in directing / working the camera, that's perfect for the both of us. However, I'd like to be involved in the filming of the movie, and later on, the editing as I want to be more "hands-on" as opposed to just pumping out screenplays and sending them off to people.

Send me a PM if you're interested.

If not I suppose I'll just have to pick up a camera and do it myself. :P

Well, it's January. Are you out here in L.A.

Preferrably, I'd like to team up with someone just like me (little to no experience,
If at some point you'd be willing to team up with someone
with a little experience I'd like to read your work.