Would selling a few DVD's screw up potential distribution?

The reception in Richmond has been very warm. A lot of people want to buy the DVD. Especially those who have seen it. I'm cool with releasing the DVD, but I don't want to screw up any potential distribution.

Can I sell a few DVD's without causing any future headaches? Any negative repurcussions from selling something in the ballpark of 300 limited-edition DVD's?

Problem solved. The solution has only confirmed the obvious -- that such a meager computer is not quite up to the task of editing a DSLR feature. At least, not without hiccups. But this is the Little PC That Could, and it keeps saying, "I think I can, I think I can".

I ran accross some advice that said I should just wait it out when it freezes. I mean really wait it out. So that's what I did. I tried loading the project, and it froze, as usual. I turned off my monitor and went and watched a movie (Paul is funny).

A few hours later, I return home, and the project has unfrozen itself. Heh. All this little PC needed was a little patience. As per the previously-mentioned advice, I immediately deleted all render files.

BOOM! Project is working again. Saved. Closed. Re-opened, modified, saved. Phew!