Would anyone be interested in a service to buy/sell short screenplays?

Hey guys,
I am a filmmaker and an aspiring entrepreneur. I am making a website, www.screenplaysthatsell.com (under construction) where I aim to help aspiring screenwriters write better, more professional screenplays.
I was brainstorming on different services that I can include on the site, and I was thinking of a marketplace where screenwriters can sell their short screenplays to filmmakers. What do you guys think of this idea? Would you pay to purchase a short based on a log line, premise and a 3 page sample? What info would it take for you to purchase the script? If you decide to buy it, how much would you pay?
Thanks a lot guys!

Excited to be a part of this forum
Welcome to indietalk

What do you guys think of this idea? Would you pay to purchase a short based on a log line, premise and a 3 page sample? What info would it take for you to purchase the script? If you decide to buy it, how much would you pay?
Every once in a while we get filmmakers here who are looking for scripts.
Very often we get writers here looking to sell a script. So there is likely a
market for this.

No. I would not buy a script based on a log line, premise and a 3 page
sample. I would need to read the entire script.

If I decided to buy it I would pay up to 3% of my total budget for the
As what directorik said, I wouldn't buy a script without reading the whole thing. As long as the writers have their scripts copyrighted, would it be an issue to have the whole script readily available to read for potential buyers?
Only buy once I've read it.

I had one guy try to sell me a script. I asked him if I could read it and also what previous scripts of his had been turned into movies.

He went a bit quiet on me after that.

I want to read it, understand it and then happy to buy.