Working/Interning on feature film

Hey everyone. Been a while since I've been on here. Just wanted to share some awesome news. Starting this week I'm working/interning on a feature film that is being shot over the next month. Can't wait to soak it all in and learn whatever I can. I'll be working as their set medic on days that they are shooting stunts and then on the other days I'll be interning with the cinematographer and with the lighting/electric crew. I guess you really don't need film school to help out with a feature...just a willingness to help out and the courage to ask if you can. I'll keep you guys up to date with the progress. When I am allowed to tell you more about it I will.
Wow it's been a long time since I have been on a film set. The last one I was at was on the set of Before and After in the late 90's. I had forgotten how much energy is there. Had an awesome time yesterday. I was just there providing medical support for the stunts so I really didn't get my hands on much, but just being there to take it all in was worth it. This Sunday I start working along side the dp. Good times to follow.
So the film is wrapped up and in the can. Sorry I didn't keep you guys as up to date as I wanted to, but the days and nights were long and sleep was of the priority. As I mentioned in the first few posts, I was able to rotate through the different departments. I spent a good portion of the time as a PA. Pretty much the unseen heros of the movies. I was able to spend my second weekend working with the elite G&E crew. That is a department that can produce true movie magic. They are the hardest working guys and girls on the set. The fourth and final week I spent with the best of the best...the camera department. Our film was shot on an Arri Alexa, so needless to say, I held my breath while working around it. By the end of the first day with them I was slating the shots. What a tremendous learning experience this entire process has been. I can't wait to get back on a set. Some great contacts were made, and I can easily say, since everyone I talked to on set said this same thing, in the film industry it is definitely who you know.

Here is a link to the IMDb page. It's called Eye Of Winter staring Brian Cranston and Alice Eve