Winter 2011 1-Page Finalists

Strange that you've never entered a contest or that contests are strange?

This format for the 1-page scripts is a bit wonky. They read the 25 finalists out loud at an event, then open the voting to the public online, which (IMO) presents all sorts of issues. Not that I am putting much stock in this 1-page script, it's fun just to be a finalist, but you can imagine someone lobbying for votes (friends, family, countrymen... come one, come all... my script needs your vote!) turns it into a numbers game instead of the script's content and quality being judged on its merits by a set panel, whether it be my script or someone else's.

Small potatoes. It will just be neat to hear the reactions to Not Worth It, the title of my entry. If anything, it was a useful exercise.
Strange that i have never entered.

It doesn't seem the most accurate of way to decipher the quality of a script, to say the least. Let's hope the seats are limited to per entry. Five Family and friends. That's your limit. 80% no strings attached public.
It just gets me thinking (in this particular judging format) of the mousy kid who writes a brilliant story, but she's overshadowed by the big man on campus with a mediocre idea who happens to have more "friends" and can fill the ballot boxes with votes. Nothing new. Happens all too often and that's how it goes. I'm no politician so asking for votes isn't my style. It works for some, and that's fine, but not for me. If folks dig what I do, great. If not, oh well. Moving on.

I have no idea how their voting process will be set up so it could be much different than what I'm imagining. We'll wait and see... :rolleyes:
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