archived-videos Window commercial

Here's a commercial I'm currently making. It still needs to be redubbed, have ambient music added, color corrected, and graphics added. Why am I showing it before I'm finished? Just watch.

(Keep in mind that this is the 13th take, the VERY best take, and the take I plan to use.)

Turn your volume up (so you can hear the actors) and enjoy!

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You're lookin' a little shaggy there, Mr Logan!

You getting paid to do the commercial for some window/hardware store?
That's not me, hahaha. Those are my friends Dan and Dylan. It's going to be a demo for the window guy and if he likes it we will remake it with his info on it. It was all the brothers' idea, they just hired me to direct their idea and film it.

(by "hired" I mean they asked me)