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Will the audience see this twist coming?

It's a thriller, and you think that the second main character is good, but she turns out to be bad. However, I wrote the character so that she smokes, and in a lot of movies nowadays, smoking is only done by sinister characters. You rarely see the good guys still do it. So if she smokes will that automatically give it away since that's what audiences have become accustomed to?
There actions in the plot are a lot more important than the characteristic of smoking. Also, I noticed your location is Saskatchewan. I find that smoking is much more accepted in foreign films. If you film is obviously foreign, be it by the story, environment, or accents/language, I do not think anyone would think twice about the smoking.
Hmmm true. A lot of Canadians seem to be adapted to American film stereotypes though, so maybe they might figure out. That is if it doesn't reach the foreign audience so much. I haven't decided if I want to set it in Saskatchewan or not yet.

And she's smoking as if she were bad, once the audience discovers she's bad, but I don't want her to smoke cause she's bad, before it.
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So if she smokes will that automatically give it away since that's what audiences have become accustomed to?
Of the small population that still smokes it's pretty much 50/50 males females.
No one really gives a sh!t if you smoke or not and is thus a poor indicator of character.

Now, that said... there's smoking and then there's smoking.
Consider begining with her smoking like any old work-a-day puffer.
Chickie's got her pack of Virginia slims and fires one up at appropriate times.
Progressively her smoking details begin to portray a more significant pathology.
- Show her lighting up like a guy does. (Yes, it differs between genders)
- Reveal some surprising emblem on her cigarette case.
- Whassup with that lighter? It ain't no bic. It's a...
- Under defensive durress she exhales smoke from her nostrils like a dragon.
- Ouch. She puts out her butt into some poor schmuck's forehead.
- She takes a lit cig from a male peer or subordinate and suggestively sucks about an inch of ash out of it, blows a dirigible sized plume into their face, and gives it back.
- Classic: Take a drag, kiss the confirmed antagonist, he blows out her smoke, sex ensues.
- Combo! She climbs up on the antag, takes his cig, pulls a deep drag, sex ensues, they kiss, antag blows out her smoke.

There's smoking.
And then there's smoking.

Personally, I prefer my smoking at the end of a large caliber firearm. ;)