So if she smokes will that automatically give it away since that's what audiences have become accustomed to?
Of the small population that still smokes it's pretty much 50/50 males females.
No one really gives a sh!t if you smoke or not and is thus
a poor indicator of character.
Now, that said... there's smoking and then there's smoking.
Consider begining with her smoking like any old work-a-day puffer.
Chickie's got her pack of Virginia slims and fires one up at appropriate times.
Progressively her smoking details begin to portray a more significant pathology.
- Show her lighting up like a guy does. (Yes, it differs between genders)
- Reveal some surprising emblem on her cigarette case.
- Whassup with that lighter? It ain't no bic. It's a...
- Under defensive durress she exhales smoke from her nostrils like a dragon.
- Ouch. She puts out her butt into some poor schmuck's forehead.
- She takes a lit cig from a male peer or subordinate and suggestively sucks about an inch of ash out of it, blows a dirigible sized plume into their face, and gives it back.
- Classic: Take a drag, kiss the confirmed antagonist, he blows out her smoke, sex ensues.
- Combo! She climbs up on the antag, takes his cig, pulls a deep drag, sex ensues, they kiss, antag blows out her smoke.
There's smoking.
And then there's smoking.
Personally, I prefer my smoking at the end of a large caliber firearm.