You have to honestly question why you want to do it...
And if it's for creative, expressive, artistic reasons, with a lot of hard work you can make a feature film. It may have to be shot on a consumer camera, use local actors, or be solo crewed like my film - but with some talent, some planning, and a lot of dedication you will have a finished feature film that you can have pride in for giving birth to your vision...
But if it's for recognition, status, money - you should pretty much forget it, buy some lottery tickets. Because, unless you are extremeley lucky and have great connections, it ain't going to happen.
That's not the "dream" you should follow.
Can't say I really agree with that. My first feature was made with no expectation of turning a profit. But that's weird, in my opinion. I think that with how much time, energy, and money go into making a feature that it should normally be a for-profit venture. My next one will definitely be for money. That doesn't mean I don't love the art and craft.
On a side-note, yours looks interesting. I'll keep an eye on it. And best of luck!