archived-videos Who Killed Tony?

Hey Dave! That was amusing.. I love when you were just going nuts on the doll with the pencil. I'm sitting here at a TGI Fridays in the Philadelphia airport and people were looking at me funny 'cuz I was just sitting here laughing.

Was this that IFP project?
Hey, Will. Thanks again for your help with encoding this film! Yes, this film was shot in about 2 1/2 hours during one of my Video Production classes at the IFP. The actors are my fellow classmates. They learned their lines a few minutes before each take. Kinda like Dreamworks does it.
Audio = no good

Coffee / Zensteve: Thanks much for your feedback. Yes, the audio on this deal indeed sucks. The clip I posted is a pretty rough cut that I'm still trying to fix in post with Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Audition. Which audio aspects of the piece were the lamest? My mumbling dialogue? The high level of background noise/room tone? Please follow up if you get the chance as I'm trying to zone in on the areas I need to focus on as far as fixing this audio. Also, if you have any advice on fixing audio using the Adobe suite specifically or another program that would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!
The mumbling dialogue was inaudible, but I found that to be funny. The sound aspect that bothered me the most was the echo of the other actor's dialogue - it sounded like you shot it in an average break room in an average building, a room that was not constructed with sound recording in mind. Not a whole lot you can do about that in post besides ADR. I think Adobe has noise filters, but I'm not sure how good they are.

Hey Dave--you had me laughing out loud with this one. Brilliant! I loved
your blank expressionless close ups!
Nice work, and very funny.
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