archived-videos Whitewashed

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Visit the site to check out our labor of love....The thing we've been neglecting our girlfriends, family and favorite drugs of choice for for the past yr.

click the trailer link..feel free to check out the blog and message board....Drop us a line and you will be replied to..I promise....Thanks guys, and stay up!
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First of all, good to see yet another Texan join the boards.

I liked the imagry in the trailer, a lot of nice shot design. I especially liked the sped up shot of the freeway from inside the skyscraper.

My only gripe is that it takes quite a while for the meat of the trailer to come to the forefront. The first 30 seconds is really nothing but images and text, we don't really get a sense of the story until the fight starts.

Good luck.


Thanks for the feedback poke........need more guys like you out there willing 2 put in their 2 cents.......Keep grinding away........_- J
Awww...sneakiness. I'll close this thread, and keep the other open. Double posting isn't allowed here on Indie Talk.

I'll join in the conversation in the other thread.

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