Whitewashed Screening Recap

Well, we had our screening of Whitewashed on Saturday night and for the most part all went well. We had about 725 people come out and aside from a few technical errors, everything went smoothly.

Here are a few pics.

The Theater

Marquee. The other side was mis-spelled. Go figure.

Thats me on the left and Poke and CommanderGoat on the right

Lobby prior to the screening

About to roll the movie

A big thanks to Poke and CommanderGoat for coming up to Dallas and helping us out by documenting the entire night for us. The footage looks great and we really appreciate the help.

What a sexy man with a camera.

Was glad to be a part of it Adam. It was an impressive turn out and I was extremely happy for you guys to get that moment in the spotlight.

Yes, it was a very successful premier. I was amazed at how many people attended. It was a packed house, and I hoped you had fun will all the sex-crazed ladies.

I also hope you got tons of valuable feedback.

Have you made any decisions on the future of the film since the screening?
We took a few days to recoup from the previous weeks and are getting together tonight to sift through the cards. I've already read about half of them and for the most part there is some good crituqes in there. You have your occasional hotshot who is just trying to get a jab in there and mom who wants you to stop making movies with violence in them, but out of the 600+ cards we recieved I would say that over 400 of them hold some fairly decent info.

One thing I've learned is that even if you open yourself up for critisisim and prepare yourself, it still stings a little more than you expected when you start reading peoples honest opinions becasue 9 out of 10 times it's not going to be something that you want to hear. I think there are a few areas that we're going to tweak but we'll know for sure after tonight.

P.S All the sex-crazed ladies were tons of fun!
Poke and CommanderGoat......much thanks for making the trip out to the screening and rolling tape. What a night.........one we'll be able to look back on thanks to you guys ...Hope everything goes well for the both of you!!!
- Jared
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AdamG said:
One thing I've learned is that even if you open yourself up for critisisim and prepare yourself, it still stings a little more than you expected when you start reading peoples honest opinions becasue 9 out of 10 times it's not going to be something that you want to hear.

I know what you mean....just not on the same level as you. I don't think I've ever had more than 30 people see my work at one time, and that's nerve-racking enough. You should be proud that you had so many people interested enough in your film to come out and watch it. Everyone's a critic, but not everyone is a filmmaker.
Zensteve said:
So what worked (and what didn't) for getting people there?

I can't tell you everything the production team did in the way of promotion, but from talking to the filmmakers and attendees on Sat night - never underestimate the power of Word of Mouth. Goat and I interviewed roughly twenty-five attendees and I'd say most of them heard about it from a friend or relative.

Poke's right on. We started by creating a website and sending everyone we knew to it and we also threw up a blog to keep people updated on a weekly basis. I would say that 80% of the attendees came becasue a friend invited them or something of that nature. The other 20% most likely came from some of our other promotions which included 5000 full color flyers, UPN21 TV Spot, Dallas Morning News Article etc..

I asked people to RSVP for a reserved seat mainly wasnting to have somewhat of a head count leading up to the screening. For those who did, I sent out a weekly update newsletter keeping them informed on everything that had to do with the movie. This turned out to be a great tool. Those who RSVP'd would forward that e-mail on to friends and family and so on and so forth. We have over 700 RSVP's the night of the premiere. About 30% of those didn't show, which is about par for the course, but we made up the difference with walk-up traffic.

All in all Word of Mouth was our greatest advertisement tool. Call it shameless self promotion, it worked.
Yes. Despite the reminder emails, I completely spaced on the date and missed the big premiere.

I was looking forward to it, too.

Glad to see the turnout was good and things went well.
Ryan Paige said:
Yes. Despite the reminder emails, I completely spaced on the date and missed the big premiere.

I was looking forward to it, too.

Glad to see the turnout was good and things went well.
Doh! No worries.