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watch WHISKEY GLASS EYE - This Is My Response


Place holder for tomorrow's launch! 2-9-2012

At the end of the day it's just another rock & roll music video, but I hope it helps Ed, Danielle and Whiskey Glass Eye get more exposure out there on the Interwebs and in the music scene. We had a lot of fun putting it together and with any luck, Flicker Pictures will keep the cameras rolling with new projects in 2012.

Cameras: Panasonic GH2, Canon HV20 & HV40, iPhone 4s.
Thanks: Brian Luce, Steven Richards, John Kilderry, and Frank Ladner.

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Cool, man! Was great to finally be able to see it. I like the fast pace it keeps. I just watched "The Artist", last week, and this video reminds me of the silent-film style of having to tell a story without recognizable dialogue. A music video like this one is basically a silent-film, and you did a good job communicating the story to us. Congrats.
That is definitely a movie I want to see, The Artist.

I'm glad the story came through for you, CF. I had to truncate events to squeeze it all in so I was a little worried about that. Always a fine line between showing too much, not enough...

I'm actually Bernie Lawson's running mate. He's got way bigger ideas than I do... so a vote for BL is a vote for me! :D

Thanks for checking it out, dude. I'm feeling good about having it done and getting it out there.
Once again, very impressive work! The narrative was clear and some really well composed shots in there! Very different stylistically than the other music videos you've done recently, and flexibility is good!
Gracias mi amigos. :) I never thought I'd enjoy making music videos as much as I am. Honing in on the tone/theme/mood of a song and finding the right mix of visuals to accompany it (within budget constraints of course) is proving to be a lot of fun. It would be a blast to tackle other genres like hip-hop or death metal, as long as I could put a spin on it.

The next FP music video on deck I'll be incorporating footage from a feature we shot four years ago that I'm finally getting around to editing. Here's a rough of some shots with the song which will be mixed with shots of Jim playing ukulele.

password: bramble2012

Onward, ho!
Best of luck with the feature editing! And a death metal video could be a lot of fun!

Let me know if you ever want to do a celtic/electronic/classical/rock video ;-)
Good work, man!

It genuinely felt like a lot of ground was covered, in terms of their relationship. Due to the sheer amount of various "scenes" or moments, as well as how you'd throw in the phone/camcorder clips, etc.

And, as already mentioned, you did a great job communicating a story with little dialog. :)
There were some scenes and shots I wanted to keep in the final edit, but had to kill those darlings for the greater good. The concept was to make the video look like it was from a feature film with a bigger story taking place outside the scope of the song, which is why I opened it up with that scene in the kitchen.

Hmmm... celtic/electronic/classical/rock video? Sounds like an interesting challenge!

Thanks again, Frank, for the eyes on the rough cut. Very helpful.

I created a YT playlist of the Flicker Picture music videos thus far


We're waiting to hear from a few festivals...