Which Camera Is Better? Help Me Please


I am trying to choose between the Sony HVR-Z1P and the Sony HVR-V1P. I will be using this camera for film/documentary making. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank-you in advance.

Both are great cameras. It really comes down to the details.
The V1 seems to be a little bit cheaper, at least here in Germany. Also, it can shoot 24p and 25p. The Z1 seems to only do 50i/60i. At least according to http://www.camcorder-test.com/camcorder.html
Some other differences: The V1 has 20x optical Zoom, the Z1 only 12x. Not a killer argument, but might be useful for documentary stuff.
The Z1 has the bigger sensor. 1/3 = Z1 and 1/4 = V1. The bigger sensor will give you better depth of field.
Also, the Z1 uses a CCD Chip. With the CMOS on the V1 you might encounter some slight Rolling Shutter.
The V1 is able to show you a Histogramm. Maybe not so important for docu but all the more for controlled film shoots.
The Z1 has Inputs for Chinch and S-Video, however it doesnÄt offer HDMI-Out for monotoring (only component) or USB.
All in all, the Z1 is about 500g heavier than the V1 which will help you get stable handheld shots. Futhermore, the good 32,5mm wide lense on the Z1 should help with that. The V1 only has 37,4mm.
The display on the Z1 is slightly better (shows 250880 pixel on Z1 and 211200 pixel on V1).
The Z1 seems to perform a little bit better in Low light (see http://produktdbimages5.slashcam.de/camcorder-testergebnisse_testbilder_testbild_12_lux_8.jpg for Z1 and http://produktdbimages4.slashcam.de/camcorder-testergebnisse_testbilder_testbild_12_lux_19.jpg for V1).

All in all, they are pretty similar. I would go with the V1 for smaller price, HDMI-Out, 20x Zoom and 24p.