Where to start with?

I am really new to this industry & would do anything to make it big in here. The problem is that getting into this job is really a plan & not the concrete one. I am really confused where & how to start. Thus need ur valuable suggestion. Kindly help.

RLet us know when u ll find the answer ;)

Until then - filmmaking will be your hobby, and really expensive one!

1.Write a short story
2. grab your cellphone, switch to camera mode
3. record the story with a friend
4.edit it in a free movie editing that comes with windows/mac.
5 repeat for several years.

During this process you ll find out what camera you ll need, what audio, etc.

Until then - use your cellphone. And please don't start "what camera should I get" thread..
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There's a few million people in this filmmaker road race.

I'm pretty sure most of us eventually realize we should be content with just finishing, and soon let go of "making it big".
You only have so much time in a day for entertainment.
There is a glut in entertainment options and content.
The audience is fragmented, which means the revenue streams are fragmented.

Having a "not concrete plan" is both a good and complicating thing.
It allows you flexibility.
It prevents you from reaching out to grasp what you want.

The better you get the more specialized you'll become which means you lose control over more and more.

Start with just what Dima just said: Bang out a short story, only a few pages, film it with anything you can, edit it, look at it and ask yourself "What happened here and here and here? How can I make this better?"
Just doing it is much better than theorizing about it. But you'll benefit from thinking a great deal, too.
Watch a lot of DVD director commentaries, too.


Also depending on exactly where you live (your profile said you were from India but not what part) and how old you are (I'll assume you are somewhere between 10 and 100 years old), you may seek out some local groups of filmmakers that would let you help on projects. You may also seek out any studios in the area and see if they have any internships or student programs.

I believe India also has a number film organizations that may provide you with networking opportunities. Also India has a growing number of film schools. And I know the University of Mumbai offers a post graduate diploma in Film & Television.
Also depending on exactly where you live (your profile said you were from India but not what part) and how old you are (I'll assume you are somewhere between 10 and 100 years old), you may seek out some local groups of filmmakers that would let you help on projects. You may also seek out any studios in the area and see if they have any internships or student programs.

I believe India also has a number film organizations that may provide you with networking opportunities. Also India has a growing number of film schools. And I know the University of Mumbai offers a post graduate diploma in Film & Television.

Totally agree. Mentorship is the most important part of the process.
Even though I am very knew, I don't think you'll learn about by using your cellphones to tape out acted stories. Best just start with the basics maybe?

Id rather make a short movie using my cellphone camera, than do nothing and wait to save money to afford dream gear..

But that's just me, I like to make movies with whatever equipment I ve got around me ;)
Have you looked for internships / entry level jobs anywhere that can offer some insight into the video world? Like a TV studio, commercial / video production crew, things like that? Even carrying a light for a guy make wedding videos is a step in the right direction. You'll learn from that, and you'll be networking with the right people.