Where can I post a movie online that people can watch for free?

I made a small movie a year or so ago to learn the business. It was made with some friends and a camcorder nothing special but, I have a new project coming out soon.

In an effort to build a fan base I want to post the first movie online and allow it to be viewed for free. Just hoping to get people to take a look and maybe a few new fans. Anyone know the best site to do this on? I would prefer not to do 10 parts on youtube.
Vimeo has more reasonable length and filesize limits.

There's probably others. veoh.com perhaps..

Not sure what the film size limits are, but facebook and/or myspace would be some of the better options for building a following, since they're designed around the community interaction idea..
The movie is in 720p and about 80 minutes so its pretty big. There is also some harsh language, we've been set up on facebook for a while. Ideally we want to post it on a site then put the link on the facebook page.
If you have a domain or just web hosting, I can shoot you the script to play the file on your website. You can see an example of it in the video section of my website:


A few of the videos are down at the moment (I accidentally deleted the whole site a couple weeks ago and haven't had the bandwidth/time to upload them all again). Let me know if you want the script.
Ok, so here is the script which you put in the body of your page.

<div id="container"><a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
var s1 = new SWFObject("mediaplayer.swf","mediaplayer","600","370","8");

The only other thing that you need is the javascript file, which you must put in the same folder as your .html file. If you'd like to give me your email I can send a copy of that file to you. Or if you're not comfortable giving out your email on here you can either PM it to me, or else maybe someone knows how to send a file through the board.
Oh, and you'll need to convert your video to .flv, but there is free software out there that can do that, you may just lose a bit of quality (I'm assuming).