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When Vegas Freezes and Locks Up Rendering . . . ?

What is a good work around?

Render the video in smaller clips and string them together later with DVD authoring software?

Maybe smaller clips won't freeze up and lock up the software when rendering?

I am doing a good quantity of processor intense special effects.
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I am the last person to ask questions regarding computers, but when Vegas kept locking up on my first self-edited short (45 minutes), the work around I used was to render each scene as a separate 10 minute-or-less .mov. When each scene was edited and rendered, I created a new project, imported each 10-minute-or-less fully rendered scene, and rendered the final film.

I was using a pre-war coal powered computer, but it worked.
Are you saying you would inport the rendered clip and attach it to the next scene you would edit? That would eventually down grade the video and audio quality.

That's why I will just string all of the fresh HD avi files together with Nero and later burn a HD DVD. And, I will make a 16:9 NTSC DVD version for portable DVD players, since I have yet to see a portable Blu-Ray or HD DVD player other than a laptop computer.
Are you saying you would inport the rendered clip and attach it to the next scene you would edit? That would eventually down grade the video and audio quality.

No, I rendered 5 individual clips from 5 individual projects. Then I created a 6th project, imported my five individual clips, and rendered the final.

Vegas kept locking for me when it had to do any color correction or other effects in clips longer than a ten mionutes. But with each clip pre-corrected, all it had to do with the final was create a long clip without any other "thinking."
Good to know. Thanks. My clip is 30 minutes long and it likes to lock up around 94% of the rendering and it is getting fustrating.

I'm thinking of breaking up the rendering like long chapters to string together with Nero to make my DVD versions.

I guess I was lucky to get it over 20 minutes without locking up. 30 minutes is turning out to be very fustrating.
It's worth a try. I couldn't render my final cut of "Antihero" (in CS5, but whatever - same issue). It didn't ever freeze, but there would be glitches in the render. It worked on a million previous versions, but the final cut just seemed to have one too many pieces of media (the infamous straw that broke the camel's back).

So, I tried what you're suggesting (and what UC describes). Rendered it in 8 seperate approximately 10-minute clips, re-imported each of those into a new project, then rendered the whole thing, and that worked. I'm not a technician, so I don't have any idea if, or to what extent, that may have downgraded the quality of the final product, but it was the only work-around that would work, short of buying a new motherboard and more RAM (and I tried a million different work-arounds). I imagine something similar might work for you.
This could very well be more of a Windows Vista prooblem than a Vegas Pro problem.

It worked for a third time launching Vegas twice with the same project and rendering the same thing with two different file names. One goes through and the other freezes. But, all I need is one.