When did you realise you wanted to be a filmmaker?

I've always had an interest in becoming a film director. But I never took it seriously and always passed it off as one of those things you say as a child, like "I want to be an inventor when I grow up!"

I never really seriously considered it till around 2 years ago.

My dream back then was to become a Video Game Designer. I studied ICT and was determined to get into that. But the course wasn't what I expected, there was too much maths and coding and all that crap. I also found out the harsh reality of the Game industry . It's not so much creative, it's more technical. They don't care if you come up with an awsome video game idea or storyline, they only care about how good your degree is, how good you are at maths and physics and how good of a coder you are. Despite all this I just told myself that I had to work harder.

The course got harder and harder as I couldn't handle stuff like coding.

I don't remember the turning point when I said "I want to be a film maker!" But I always use to come up with ideas and storylines for Video Games. One time I remember telling myself...."these stories I come up with are actually much better suited to films than games....No one would want to play a video game about Samurai who would have to commit Hara-Kiri at the end of the game!"

When I was a kid I use to love movies like Shindlers List, Saving Private Ryan and The Pianist, but I also loved the Disney stuff and action films of course. For some reason I decided to start watching some of the highest rated movies of all time. My expectations for these films were VERY high so 99% of the time I left dissapointed. I started with The Shawshank Redemption, I liked it but wasn't as impressed as I expected to be. Then I checked out films like Raging Bull(Meh/Ok), Blade Runner(Meh),Alien(meh),Aliens(LOVED IT!) The Shining(Ok) and the Deer Hunter(Meh) Wasn't really impressed by some of them. I also watched Rocky 1, 2 and 3 which I loved despite the cheesyness!

Then one day I decide to rent this Korean film I heard about called The Host. I rent it and really enjoy it.
Don't remember what films I saw after that but one time I saw on Film4(tv channel in the uk) they were showing this Korean film called "Sympathy For Lady Vengeance." It said it was for adults only and contained scenes of torture. Back then I wouldn't dare watch films like that. I was about to delete it off my Sky box and not watch it, but I decided to just watch the intro. It started off and visually looked very nice and clean. The main actress looked cute so I decided not to delete it :blush: :D If I deleted that movie I don't know if I would be here in this forum today. I watched the film and ended up absolutely loving it. I then watched other Asian films like Oldboy, Hana-bi and The Twilight Samurai. I then realised "Oh sh**, I wanna be a Film Director!"

My taste has changed since then and I don't just watch Asian films, but they're still some of my favourite movies. They seem to make a really big effort with the visuals where as most Hollywood movies only focus on the storyline and have some boring generic fast paced/hand held cinematography.
after watching turbulence 3 heavy metal....
i knew i could never allow something like that to happen again..... and then came snakes on a plane....

that and i have all ways been into art, and to me, film is a art, art in motion and sound, and raw! it is just amazing to me, i don't think i decided, more like was captivated.
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Well back in the 80's I suppose I always dreamed of working with electronics. Although now the field is still around I'm sure its suffering a bit because of the advent of CG. Anyway it wasn't until a few years ago that I discovered that what i really wanted to do was write and direct feature films. I had a chance to direct a short super 8 film during film school that I was tasked with staring in as well. Although unfortunately I wasn't able to write it myself.
I wanted to become a Filmmaker in 2003 The first time I watched Stanley Kubrick's "the shining"
That film sparked so much in me and 6 years later That film still puts lightning in my veins and every time I see it I have to go out and make something new. I love film, Film is my life, and people film is art don't be generic.
Oh and I'm glad I don't have a daughter Because I can see Oldboy revenge happening verryy sooon.
and I highly recommend one flew over the cuckoo's nest,
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I've always had a passion for literature, film, and music. Movies combine those things. And making movies allows me an outlet for my creativity.

I guess I figured it out when I started planning out movies in my head. (Turned out to be a symptom of dispersonalization the way I was doing it, but it sort of got me started. Funny how bad stuff turns into good stuff, eh?)