When Boo Boos go Funny

Hahaha, tr0g's my favorite, haha, did you actually use a greenscreen? or just..like.. Well would you like to tell us (me) how you did it?
I imagine he did it the same way Logan did his "Double or Nothing".

Background plate, and a locked down camera while filming each half independently... layer on top of each other, and then split it down the middle. (Like a half-wipe) :yes:

Mr Boo did that at the start of his "Horrors of War" trailer, to effectively double the amount of soldiers onscreen... and I believe he has an fx- trailer that shows how it looks, at each stage while compositing.
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Zen was close. Just layered. You see the idiot me on the left with the walkman, I was listening to the guy on the right to know when to speak. It was a one time deal, I just sent that one to them and they got a laugh.

You can kind of see the greenscreen behind the King Goldfish guy to the right. I just used Vegas and used "Cookie Cutter" and "Square" then adjustded it so it transparented the left side of the couch to show the under layer of tr0g to the left.

I was going to use mirror in 3DS max but it wasnt an elaborate skit, just wanted to make them laugh and me screwing up made it funnier.

yeah, Mr Boo I think said they "Switched Uniforms" to make it look more realistic. it did.

If I owned a "Motion Box" and created a bunch of motion files I could use Character Studio and a bunch of models from poser and create uniforms for them all and just run them using the same techbnique and you could have 10,000 army guys in a matter of a few days worth of work.

but those motion suits and hardware are like 60 thousand dollars.

Will wait when they come down in price like everything else.

and that kid who's playing pool with his inner conscience has a damn nice house. I wonder if its really his LOL. cool vid too. I cant wait to see if the gun missed or not ;)

PS rizien and guys.. thanks for that input. I still have to come up with a serious storyline.
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My problem is story lines too, thats why my last three shorts were just fight scenes, adn i must say my last one is my favorite..ahha and funniest.
Your fight scenes are pretty good. in a comical way. I hope you dont take offense to that.

Do those guys actually take martial art defence courses? they just need to practice for about 15 minutes on their routine then just start shooting them. Shoot them and dont tell them the camera is rolling. :D