Whats with them stories?

idk if this is the place to but it but here it goes.

hey, i need help with topics for a short film. i'm gonna be showing it to my high school, but i cant think up any ideas. so if you can help that would be cool. it can pretty much be about anything [school appropriate]. Yeah. horror, comedy, sci-fi, documentary.... if i do use your idea, i will credit you.
it doesnt need to be scripted, just an idea i can run with.
any idea will help.
Do a documentary on teacher's wages. LOL

Maybe a horror/comedy film where a hard math question begins haunting the main character after he answers it incorrectly? And then, in the end, he finds out he IS a math question! "I see algebraic equations..."

How about a science student, for his class project, decides to build a time machine so that he can delay his project until after a hip local party... but then he never gets around to it... come the day of an assignment, he basically comes up with a bullshit story... about how he set out to build a time machine and was successful, and as soon as he turned it on, he was visited by his future self who warned him to destroy the machine, because it would create a paradox that would end the world... so he did!
And then the teacher is like "that's so bullshit"
So the kid comes up with an idea on the spot, in that, his experiment was to prove time travel was IMPOSSIBLE by explaining the concept of "time paradoxes". That is was ALL bullshit, BECAUSE if he destroyed the time machine, how could he have gone back in time to tell himself to destroy it!
Then the teacher gives him an A+, for creativity.
Then suddenly, the kid is ACTUALLY visited by his future self who warns him that because he got an A+ in that assignment the world would end, and the only way for his future self to stop the earth from exploding is by... KILLING HIMSELF in the past!

I dunno, that last one is stupid, but hopefully I've set a brush fire off in your brain so you can come up with your own exciting idea!

Or you could just make it easy and do some Shakespeare with a lightsaber battle at the end...