What type of MacBook Pro?

Hey everyone,
i've posted a few times on here, and each time you all have been a great help.

so i'm going to be attending college this coming aug. and i'm going to be studing video production. I'm going to be working with Final Cut Express and Pro (kinda nervious since i've never tried those) and i need a mac laptop that i will let me edit my films on it, so that i dont have to be 24/7 in the labs. I was looking and for me it's between the two 15' MacBook Pros. i'm wondering if both will be able to do what i am going to be doing, or should i buy the higher end 15 inch?

Thanks everyone!!!
Any MacBook Pro will work. If you doing video editing, you want lots of RAM and the best video card. All of them have Firewire 800 ports of external hard drives and fast enough processors.

I've used Final Cut Express on my MacBook with 1.5GB or RAM and a 13" display. It works fine, but I'm not sure if I'd want to edit all of my projects on it.

Don't worry, just buy what you can afford and max out the RAM, if you can. Get at least 2GB, if you can't afford 4.
You wont have any issues with computer power. As long as you have enough
RAM (max it out) the MacBook Pro can handle Final Cut just fine. The only
issue you will run into is keeping all the clips on your drive. DV takes a lot of space.