industry What is a Show Bible, and How to Create One

A pitch deck and a show bible are two different tools used in the entertainment industry to present a TV show concept to executives and producers.

A pitch deck is a visual presentation that is used to present the concept, story, and characters of a TV show. It is typically a short and concise presentation that is used to get executives and producers interested in the show. A pitch deck may include slides with images, graphics, and charts that help to explain the concept and provide a sense of what the show will look and feel like.

A show bible, on the other hand, is a comprehensive guide to the world of a TV show. It provides in-depth information on the characters, setting, themes, and storylines of a show. A show bible is a more detailed and complete document than a pitch deck and is often used to help producers and writers flesh out the show and keep the concept consistent throughout the series.

In summary, a pitch deck is a tool used to get executives interested in a show, while a show bible is a tool used to help produce and write the show once it has been greenlit.

Here is an overview of how to create a show bible for a TV show:

1. Start with the concept: Define the concept, tone, and themes of your TV show. This will provide the foundation for your show bible and help ensure that all elements of the show are consistent with the overall concept.

2. Define the world: Create a detailed and immersive world for your show. This may include information on the setting, history, and geography of the world, as well as the culture, technology, and political landscape.

3. Develop the characters: Create well-defined and compelling characters for your show. This may include information on each character's backstory, personality, motivations, and relationships with other characters.

4. Outline the storylines: Develop a detailed outline of the storylines for each season of your show. This may include information on each episode's plot, themes, and character arcs.

5. Create a style guide: Develop a style guide for your show that defines the look, tone, and feel of the show. This may include information on the visual style, music, and sound effects.

6. Add technical information: Include technical information on the production of the show, such as the budget, shooting schedule, and special effects requirements.

7. Finalize the document: Once all elements of the show bible have been defined, finalize the document and make sure that it is well-organized and easy to understand.

A well-crafted show bible is a valuable tool for producers, writers, and other members of the production team. It provides a comprehensive guide to the world of the show and helps ensure that all elements of the show are consistent and in line with the overall concept. By following these steps, you can create a show bible that will help you bring your TV show to life.