editing What editing software for this?


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
What can I use (free) to chop the intro off of a .mov file, and possibly add a fade?

Assuming you don't have quicktime pro (which would allow you to cut the file directly, and/or convert to a different format)

You might be able to do it with [urhttp://www.virtualdub.org/]virtualdub[/url] or virtualdubmod

If that doesn't work directly you may have to convert it to a different format first..

There's a plugin for TMPEGENC that will read mov files, here.

I'm also pretty sure you can open mov's in both premiere and vegas, but that's not free if you don't have those programs i guess. :)
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Screw it I'll have the editor do it, I just trying to save some time. Thanks for the info!
on a mac, iMovie, but I know you're a PC guy...so windows movie maker is an option (though not a great one from what I've heard). You could check on freshmeat.net to see what free, open source options are out there for windows that might work with QT.