CootDog said:
I want to see movies that make me think.
I want to leave trying to figure out or comprehend what happened or is going to happen.
I want to question reality.
I want questions with no answers or answers with no questions.
..."The Virgin Suicides" great film with all this. That's what I want out of a film also....
Quote from elfmanlives...
We are all taught to accept everything just for acceptance sake. What does that lead to? It leads to laughing at something just because it was supposed to be funny. It leads to crying at something just because it was supposed to be touching. It ALSO leads to thinking something is good just because it was supposed to be deep
...I think this happens far too much. I don't care what anyone says: I hated "The Piano", you know, the movie with Harvey Keitel and Holly Hunter, it was nominated and won (I think) an oscar or two. Did I get it? Yeah, I got it, Yeah, I understand "dark" and I love it when people who don't like dark films try to explain one to me, HATED IT ANYWAY! Just cuz people say its great doesn't necessarily make it so. (I'll stop ranting now)...
Quote from jaxshooter...
(not to mention the droves of people who really care about the stars' private lives and read and follow all the gossip/scandal crap.This really gets my goat since I work in TV news,a horrible studio system of it's own)
I write this? From another frustrated television news production person....
...Hollywood, in my opinion, is going to have to put their money where their mouth is to make me believe that they are trying to put real quality into the theaters. Prove to me that there are more good stories out there by backing some of them. Everybody didn't grow up in CA or NY. Every Caucasian isn't from the Suburbs and every African American isn't a criminal. People are complex and varied and I personally want to see some new stories.
...Resevoir Dogs is proof that a movie can be great without something exploding, it proves that an interesting story can carry a film and leave an impression with viewers. The big blockbuster films are fine if what you want is a good popcorn movie, but I am finding that the movies that stay with me are smaller and make me think. Everything else is killing time....