What do you think to this camera?

Hi, this is my first post by the way so if this is in the wrong section i'm sorry. Anyway, i've been shooting films on a sony handycam (model number DCR-SX30) its not very good so i'm getting a new camera, the panasonic lumix gf1 caught my attention, what do you guys think? Is it a good camera? Have any of you ever used it and if so what are its pros and cons? Thanks!
Do you mean the GH1?

Not as good as the GH2 IMO.

But, Wheatgrinder might have some experience with the GH1.

Sorry, not a camera guy, but that's the "word on the forum" as it were.

EDIT: Oops, there is a GF1. Well, for that money I'd get a Canon 60d instead, but that's just my eye.
sorry, cant help here. Im keeping my eye open for a cheap used GF 1, if the price is right, could make a nice pocket cam for the wife but still have the cool manual lens option.