What do you think of this film?

k, I got my camera (16mm k-3) and sound equip.(Thank you IndieBudget ;-) and am looking for cheap film to buy, as I am VERY low on funds(my own):


I asked the seller and he said it was refridgerated until about 6 weeks ago...

Is that far too long( and too old of film)? What would you say is the cutoff year/ time it's been in certain conditions, etc?

Or any good resources to buy cheap 16mm film?

MANY Thanks as always! :)


I was also looking at this one, but it still might be a BIT too expensive:

Quite a gamble. Could be 20/25 years old; "I assume that it dates
back to the 80's or 90's.".

Same with the second auction. Could be fine, could be useless. You
will always have that issue when you buy stock form someone you
do not know. Either could be just fine.

To get stock you know you can trust you are going to have to spend
some money and buy fresh. On the other hand spending $20 for 3
rolls of 7255 isn't too much money. Shoot a roll and have it developed
and ask the lab to look at it before they telecine it. You won't spend
than necessary that way.