What do you think about this lenses for a T2i??...

I am thinking on buying the Tokina 11-16 f/2.8, Don't you guys think it's the best wide angle lens out there??... also, I'm looking for a zoom lens with a constant f/stop, but I don't know which would be the best lens to buy, the options are, the canon 17-55 f/2.8 ($1180) or the canon 24mm-70mm 2.8 L series, but it costs around 1400... the first choice has a EF-S mount, but I don't think I'm going to buy a Full Frame Sensor for a long time, so should I pay around 200 bucks more for an L series lens, Will it make a lot of difference using an L series?... or what exactly are the differences on these red ring lenses?...
The Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 is one of the best wide-angle lenses out there, as the number of people who have had it converted to a cine lens for their REDs show. The Canon 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 is a little slower, but has a larger zoom range and so may also be worth considering.

A 24-70mm on an EF-S sensor would not be my first choice on an EF-S sensor, especially if my only other lens was an 11-16mm. The common consensus is that the 17-55mm f/2.8 would be an L lens if Canon gave that designation to crop sensor lenses, and it would be my first choice for an all-rounder zoom lens.
A 24-70mm on an EF-S sensor would not be my first choice on an EF-S sensor, especially if my only other lens was an 11-16mm. The common consensus is that the 17-55mm f/2.8 would be an L lens if Canon gave that designation to crop sensor lenses, and it would be my first choice for an all-rounder zoom lens.

Oh, so basically both lenses have the same optics or similar ones?... the only difference would be, as you say the crop sensor... I guess there's no need to pay around 200$ if I don't own a 5D... thanks
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I differ a little bit from Chili about this for different reasons.

Between the Tokina 11-16 and the Canon 10-22, i think the Canon lens is superior not only in terms of range but image quality as well if we're going to get down to details. For 1.6 crop sensors, it is the imho the best wide angle zoom out there.

Between the 17-55 and the 24-70, i would spend the extra money and pick the 24-70 because it gives you more range (especially if you go for the 10-22), the image quality is among the best for zooms out there and you can use it on an FF if you ever go for a FF sensor.

Good lenses are long terms investments, so you have to not only think about now but the future as well. If you're going to always have a crop sensor, you can save money by going for the EFS lenses when you can. If you think you'll be getting an FF in a few years, then you're saving money in the long run by investing in EF glass.
This is where Photography meets cinematography to a large extent. The latest interchangeable lens cameras solely meant for film type video (Vilm?) are all crop frame and can be used with an E mount adapter to use either lens types. The EFS 17-55 is about $300 (US) dollars cheaper, but it offers a slightly wider shot and IMO a better all around lens if you don't have any wide primes.

That being said, L-series lenses are outstanding and I want them all! :P