What are you currently working on....?


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
Tell us about the project you are currently working on!

Well, I'm working on my first screenplay when I can find time (being in tenth grade really sucks). It's called "Patience" and It's all about a middle-aged man whose life falls apart over the course of one week. He manages to lose contact with his son, daughter and wife because of his lack of patience. He fights with constumers, and bosses, and ends up lossing his job as well. I don't want to reveal the ending b/c i plan on posting it on this site when I'm finished so you can all rip it apart :lol:

It's somewhat similar to an "American Beauty," a dark comedy with a dramatic side as well. SO we'll just have to see how it turns out. :wink:
We just finished, and screened, (here in Atlanta,Ga.) our third production. This Christmas story, entitled Angel In The Aisles, was based, in part, on a true story and is the tail of a detective, caught up in a web of struggles, who discovers the important things in life through a most unusual encounter.

The one hour short, which included a brief "making of..." segment, ran on Atlanta Television numerous times over the Christmas Season and starred Benjie Anderson (Miss Ever's Boys) and Darrell Vanterpool (Young Wilbur in Big Fish and Dean in The Fighting Temptations). Photos from the production are posted at our website.

We are currently in pre-production for our first documentary. The historical element of the film, which we stumbled upon and seems to be little known by the general public, is an absolutely amazing story. For that reason, we are keeping a lid on the topic for now - other than to say it falls in the period of the civil war. We will be posting more information on it as production moves forward. I can say that it will take all of 2004 to complete the project - since it will involve a civil war re-enactment scheduled for the last quarter of 2004. Keep an eye at www.pocketwatchproductions.com for more details.

Thanks, indie administrator, for asking. And, once again, congrats on an excellent job of producing and administering an excellent website! So, what's everyone else working on? I look forward to hearing more.


Hutch DeLoach
I am working on a historical script, I'd rather not specify because I am afraid of someone beating me to it! But I will say it is the amazing story of one unlikely explorer. I don't think I will ever be able to make it, there won't be any way to get the proper funds, I would fund it myself but my pockets don't go very deep. Being in first year college, I too am on hold with this project until I have more time.

I am also working on a script that is auto biographical. Not so much for any sort of success, but more for myself. I guess it is sort of been done, it is about my struggles as a pre-teen/young teeneager, but it is not going to have that "teen movie" feel... one that I can think of off the top of my head would be the virgin suicides, more told from one point of view and although ti is about teenagers it won't have the american teen movie feel.

Mr. Blonde, nice to see another "young" (under 20) person here, best of luck with your script, it sounds good!
I’m in post on a short I shot for absurdly cheap. I’m going back to work with my editor on the second cut this week. There’s still a lot of work ahead. It’s just a festival piece, but most of the work I’ve done in the past has been work for hire, so I’m looking forward to experiencing the festival circuit. Also, I’m on the final draft of my feature film script that’s an adaptation of a Jack London short story. It’s looking pretty good. I gave it to a writer friend to help with the polishing, but I like it. It’s good to see there’s a lot going on out there.
I agree its good to see so many no/lo budget stuff in production, refreshing to me as I'm about to embark on such a venture myself.

I'm in pre-production of my first short which will be shot on no (and I stress very very low) budget DV/Mini-DV. My hope is that I've learned enough from watching other director's mistakes and first shorts that this one comes off well enough that I feel OK with submitting it to a few local festivals just to test the waters. I've written and will produce this short, and I feel the story and script are strong enough that it just comes down to my untested ability as a director to make it happen pretty close to how I visualize it.

I've taken as much precaution as possible and already scouted most of the locations we will use, and written the script so as to not necessitate any real need for budget beyond stock and meals, so hopefully it progresses as I plan and I wrap post towards the middle of summer.

The goal of this short is really simple for me, 1) To produce something at least worthy of me saying "I directed, wrote, produced, ad edited this", and 2) To make something worth enough of submitting to a festival, again just to test the waters.

I'm hoping that the classes I take this spring and the folks I meet in the next couple of months will produce some quality people I can work with on this and other projects, but we shall see how that works out. I have a feeling once I demonstrate my abilities and style as a director, finding more quality folks to be involved with will come easier than today. Fortunately enough though, I've already got a great associate whom might be the DP, as he's a NYU Film graduate and already directed and DP'd two low budget student features and a GREAT no-budget action short.

Working title is, "Money".
I'm working on the second draft of a script called One. It's based on a short story by Jason M. Hauser. It's a psychological thriller about 4 guys who gather for a guy's night of poker in one of the four guys' basement only to methodically disappear up stairs to investigate a knocking on the door. It's about fearing fear itself.

We're looking to start shooting late this spring.

Also, we are planning on shooting a short trailer for the feature I LIKE CLOWNS (mentioned numerous times here) with a Panasonic DVX 100, for the purposes of fund raising.

Yes, my autobiographical script is no buget, except I am going to have to buy a lot of equiptment before I shoot it. I am going to wait till I graduate college to do that, as school doesn't come cheep.

I will probably never be able to shoot it because I would need a buget to do the story justice, and to make it accurate, so unless I get some non existant deal with a studio in which I get all the creative control and they give me money, I don't think it will ever happen, but the script/story board is something I will always have.
Tine said:
Yes, my autobiographical script is no buget, except I am going to have to buy a lot of equiptment before I shoot it. I am going to wait till I graduate college to do that, as school doesn't come cheep.

I will probably never be able to shoot it because I would need a buget to do the story justice, and to make it accurate, so unless I get some non existant deal with a studio in which I get all the creative control and they give me money, I don't think it will ever happen, but the script/story board is something I will always have.

Never say negative words like "never" and "nonexistent". In place of them say "boobie". It may not make any sense or make you feel better about the future of the project, but it would be funny if you said "boobie" a lot ...

"I will probably boobie be able to shoot it because I would need a buget to do the story justice, and to make it accurate, so unless I get some boobie deal with a studio in which I get all the creative control and they give me money, I super boobie happen, but the script/story board is something I will always have."

See? I've added a "super" to one of the "boobie"'s, but that kind of thing is totally up to you.

Hope that helps.
