What a Difference a Week Makes!

If any of you followed the thread "Just My Thoughts At The Moment" you know how awful last Thursday and some of the other shooting days have been. But, not today. Today we had a GREAT TIME.

We went to Alberts Pizza (best pizza in the world)
We went to the old World's Fair and took pictures.
We went to visit the Amityville Horror House.
I walked the property of my childhood home. Unfortunately the real estate agent didn't call us back, so we could get inside.
We went to Robert Moses State Park.
We drove Ocean Parkway where all the murdered prostitutes bodies were thrown.
We drove past the set of Boardwallk Empire.
We went to a funky old dead amusement park in upper NJ.
We topped it off at one of the best restaurants in NJ, Freshwaters of Plainfield.
Great Fun Day.

Of course my DP woke up at 5:30am, so he could get to my place by 7:45am. We were at the Lincoln Tunnel at a little before 9am. So, I phoned the lead actress to let her know we'd be a little late. I left her a message and told her what scene we'd be shooting first. About 9:20am as we're stuck on the 59th St Bridge, the DP gets a text message that the lead actress is sick and won't be coming to the shoot. So, instead of the 50 shots I expected to get, I got 0.

Another banner day in the life of this shoot.

Next week is the finale. If anything goes wrong, I have to pull the plug. Karma wants me to stop production. Not a damn thing in life should be this hard.
Ten years from now, you'll look back and laugh...

You'll be laughing maniacally, mind you, 'cos filmmaking will have driven you mad, but oh how you'll be laughing!
I hope you (discreetly) pass the word as to who this insanely unreliable actress is.
Being in the NY metro area myself, I dread the chance of ever casting her.

As much as I'm really pissed right now. I just can't bring myself to mention their names. But, what you can do, if you ever have some extraordinarily talented actresses audition and you want to cast them, ask if they know George Snow. If their faces turn pale and they stutter for a moment, RUN, run away.