archived-videos Wero

THAT was very good. :lol: Do I sense some auto-biographical moments there?

Seriously, Poke you have some great comedy timing.
Thanks for the kind words. Some of the moments were based on actual happenings that didn't actually happen. Seriously, I've run into many a snafu because of the language barrier, but none as exagerated as a Taco-in-a-cup. Most of this is based on real events that were eventually not real.

No one else see it, or care to comment? I half expected this to stir up some controversy. I guess it's okay for a white man to make a short film about Hispanic stereotypes. Or is it okay because my cohorts were all Hispanic? I guess only the Curandera can answer that question.

After googling "Curandera" I feel I must post.

Controversy, hmm, I don't think so. Looks like good clean fun to me.

***Radio Edit***

I like it a lot but if I had to nit pick, here's what I'd say...

The touching little girls joke doesn't fit with the rest of the gags. I think it should have been something more absurd (like the others) rather than something that's, on a gut level, not a subject most people joke about.

I think the "uno momento" line should have been spoken in english rather than spanish, not sure why but it seems to make more sense to me that way.

As the cowboy hat wearing hispanic leaves the room you still hear him, the sound should trail off with the character I think.

I don't speak spanish so maybe I missed it but during the physical, a turn your head and cough gag would have fit in there nicely. Something like, the hispanic asks Greg a question in spanish and touches him 'down there'. Greg doesn't understand and maybe thinks he's about to get lucky. Do it three times to fulfill the comedy rule of three and on the third try Greg finally gets it and turns his head and coughs.

I didn't understand why Greg was laying on the side of a cliff crying? Wrong turn or something?

The ending didn't come off clean I don't think. The hispanic in the sunglasses runs because he sees the hispanic who gives the company physicals? Why didn't Greg run away too? The edits aren't as smooth as the rest of the film in this parking lot scene.

There you go. Nothing meant to be mean spirited here, just my humble opinion.
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The touching little girls joke doesn't fit with the rest of the gags. I think it should have been something more absurd (like the others) rather than something that's, on a gut level, not a subject most people joke about.

I whole heartedly agree. I wish I could cut it out, but it doesn't flow well with only two questions asked. I asked the actor (we'll call him Jose) to ad lib these lines and we would translate them later. I told him to use absurd stuff like the mango joke. Somehow he thinks child molestation is funny. In the process of translating and subtitling, I discovered the line, but it was too late to re-edit it -- we were working under a deadline and this was late at night -- the next day being the deadline.

I guess lesson learned -- never let sexual deviants ad lib.

As the cowboy hat wearing hispanic leaves the room you still hear him, the sound should trail off with the character I think.

Again we are in agreement. I was rushing and didn't catch this until after I submitted. Good catch a lot of folks haven't caught it.

I don't speak spanish so maybe I missed it but during the physical, a turn your head and cough gag would have fit in there nicely. Something like, the hispanic asks Greg a question in spanish and touches him 'down there'. Greg doesn't understand and maybe thinks he's about to get lucky. Do it three times to fulfill the comedy rule of three and on the third try Greg finally gets it and turns his head and coughs.

The physical scene was much longer and was the victim of harsh cuts (the final cut had to be under five minutes). Although there were no turn-your-head-and-cough jokes in there, there was quite a bit of racist jokes about Gueros.

I didn't understand why Greg was laying on the side of a cliff crying? Wrong turn or something?

When I first came to the station, I got lost once because of the language barrier. This was a comic exageration of that instance. You're not alone in your confusion -- most people think I'm laying on the ground, not a cliff.

The ending didn't come off clean I don't think. The hispanic in the sunglasses runs because he sees the hispanic who gives the company physicals? Why didn't Greg run away too? The edits aren't as smooth as the rest of the film in this parking lot scene.

Again, a victim of harsh cuts -- he orginally responded to "Am I hot or cold?" with the line "You look like a tricycle with a venereal's so round!!!" then ran off. I wish I hadn't cut that line cause a lot of people don't get that he's tripping out on something bad -- hence his sudden fright.

There you go. Nothing meant to be mean spirited here, just my humble opinion.

Nothing taken as such. As with most of my work, I wish I could go back and reshoot it. There's so much I would change. Unfortunately, in part because of this project, we are no longer allowed to use work equipment for personal projects.

Thanks for the critique.

That was muy bueno! Seriously, by the time you got to the physical I was wiping the tears from my eyes!

Were they bloody tears? I consider myself a failure if I didn't make you bleed.

Damn. I just went back and watched it again ... and laughed even harder this time. This is comic genius!

Any chance of an extended cut?
Unfortunately, in part because of this project, we are no longer allowed to use work equipment for personal projects.

Just because they didn't want you to continue...or did you offend company policy (or just use the equipment for too long)?

It's kind of a long story, but I'll try and give you the CliffsNotes version.

The guy in the hat (we'll continue to call him Jose -- we'll also call him slow) is a Production Assistant. One night he made an error while ingesting the 10 PM show (we're STILL running a taped show at ten -- IMHO Univision isn't too worried about having a real news station, they seem fine with pretending as long as we get ratings, which isn't hard since we're the only Spanish language newscast in town). The first segment of the show did not run at ten, thus all the viewers saw was a BLACK SCREEN.

Needless to say, the advertisers that bought spots after the first segment were none to pleased with the error, and the station was forced to reimburse those ad fees. This angered the sales mngmt.

So on the night we were shooting Slow Jose's scenes (about a week after the ingesting error), the National Sales Manager came up to Jose and started bitching at him -- the theory is he was so upset that Slow Jose was having fun that he just had to be a porn dick. Apparently if you make a mistake here, you must dress in ash cloth and fast for twenty days -- extra points if you come back to work with deep lash marks on your back.

So the next day he complained to the General Manager. And the GM complained to the News Director and Production Manager. And the ruling was made that we were no longer allowed to use work equipment for personal projects. And all was right in the world because the uprising had been vanquished -- damn the hired help and their incessant need to add meaning to their pathetic work existence.
