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watch Werewolf Assassin (exploitation film)

Watched the first trailer only. Can't read the bloody red text fonts -- the effect of bloody red text on a bloody red background was thrown in as a bonus, right? For the amount of blood flowing from that guy's head, he sure seems rather casual about it. Some of the clips lingered a bit -- chop it up. The sword thing didn't quite work. The music might have been ok. The length was perfect.

Good luck.
I could read the display font fine, but it would benefit from some tighter kerning.

You've pretty much already shot this, right?
Hope it has a lot more humor in it than the trailers indicate, (but I'm not much of a purist, so... )

Relevant thread: http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?t=44510
Specifically 'Run! Bitch Run!' and 'Johnny Sunshine Maximum Violence.'

Relevant video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFbGDtlaNTQ

Otherwise this looks fairly decent.

Thanks for the replies.

Yeah, I found it difficult to insert the humour into the trailers. There is more in the actual short but most of it is conceptual and may grow tired as most Grindhouse-inspired films do. I realized myself falling into the same trap, but we're not done yet, we have one major scene and some pick ups to do. But overall it was an experimental and fun-oriented little project and am glad it's looking at least decent. Thanks for the link. Will take all comments into consideration. Appreciate it, guys!
Are fake "film scratches" really necessary? They become quite repetitive/annoying very fast
Yeah, they're kinda appropriate for the genre, along with kung fu zooms, OTT acting and scenarios. Some questionable color correcting or hyper saturation are also appropriate.