Were do I start

What's the smart move for marketing and finding distribution. We are in pre and I want to get a jump on things. Any 411 would be great.
I'm at this stage too, with my first feature KillerWeed (www.killerweedthemovie.com). When we first began developing the script, we contacted a few well-known British producers to try and attach one as an Executive Producer. Their role was to be a kind of mentor for myself and the director (we're also the writers), so we could use them as a sounding board for ideas, could use their experienced contacts to help us, and could include their name in treatments etc therefore giving weight and experience to our project. We easily got one guy on board, and it's been the *MOST* useful thing we've done in the production process so far.

To begin with I tried contacting distributors directly, to try and sell off territories in order to raise money to film with. However, I didn't get a great response, as I'm a no-name trying to get money out of companies who are constantly inundated with projects.

So I took a different approach and contacted sales agents instead. It seems strange to attach the guys who are going to sell your film for you, before it's even made, but that's the way it goes usually. They can advise tweaks to the script, the cast, the tone etc before you start filming, so increasing the films chance of success. They also have the inside scoop on what distributors are looking for at that very moment, so can target them more accurately than you can. Distributors will take your film much more seriously if a sales agent approaches them with it, rather than you, because they take the view that if a sales agent is attached then they must have seen something exciting and profitable about your film.

From your point of view, attaching a sales agent is far easier than selling rights to a distributor, because you're not asking a sales agent to put in any money. A sales agent will be paid a percentage of however much they sell your film for, and won't ask for any fees up front. Win win situation!

In terms of marketing at the moment, we made a website, a concept art trailer, we shot some photography concept art, stuck the trailer on youtube and made facebook groups for it too. We sent a press pack to some online horror blogs / magazines and were rewarded with small articles about KillerWeed which helped our youtube trailer hits. Our pre-production marketing has really been geared up to getting sales agents and distributors interested, then they take over marketing to the general public once the film is made. All our marketing so far has been done so it can double up as concept art for the film, to show people our vision.

Hope some of this helps, and the best of luck with your project!
If you do not get traditional distribution, I suggest you create a Plan B, which starts by thinking in terms of defining and redefining your target market. Once you know your target, you can aggressively seek out folks who would be most interested in your movie.
If you do not get traditional distribution
Soon there will be almost no such thing as "traditional" straight-to-video distribution. Video sales is going to be online (Amazon) and ordered right off the TV set, and rentals via NetFlix and Kiosks (Redbox). It will be nice not to have to deal with traditional distributors and sales agents.