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Here's a Web Series some friends and I made after talking about this idea for two years. The idea came from one too many whiskeys at a birthday party. We got to talking about 80's cop movies and how bad the cops were in those flicks. We also laughed about how much the partners loved each other, just a little too much. This is what came of that idea. We did it with a micro budget but brought on a talented crew to make it look pro and pull off some of the effects in later episodes. Here is a link to a playlist of all 8 episodes. Feedback is always welcome.



This is great. I'm only on number 3 right now, but it's hilarious! Please tell me you guys get some great exposure.
This is great. I'm only on number 3 right now, but it's hilarious! Please tell me you guys get some great exposure.

Thanks, glad you're digging it so far. We have received some attention from the series, but we'd love to get more. From that attention we got the chance to shoot a new web series called Tumbleweed that will be coming out in the next few months (We're in the middle of post). Let me know what you think once you've seen all of the episodes of Good Cops.

Thanks for watching.
